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Biodiversitätsinformatik / Biodiversity Informatics |
Relationships between taxonomic concepts and transmittability of linked informationThis article describes and classifies the different kinds of relationships which exist between taxonomic concepts. The term taxonomic concept here denotes a set of "related" biological objects, formed according to the explicit or implicit views of a certain author or team. It thus represents a "subjective" view of a taxon. If a certain taxon name is used then a taxonomic concept arises. This has also been called "potential taxon" (BERENDSOHN, 1995), "taxon view" (ZHONG et al., 1996) or "taxonym" (KOPERSKI et al., 2000). The taxonomic concept is designated through the used taxon name in combination with the reference coining the concept: eg. Racomitrium affine (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Lindb. sec. CORLEY & al. (1981/1991). The understanding of the relationships between taxonomic concepts is an essential pre-requisit for the construction of a reliable information access system based on taxon names. The relationship influences the way in which information linked to one taxonomic concept can be transferred or combined with information linked to another concept (transmittability of linked information). CONTENT: Fundamental relationships | Combined relationships | The concatenation operator | Information transmittability | Relationship qualifier Basic relationshipsThe following basic relationships from set theory are relevant for the description of the relationship between two taxonomic concepts PT1 and PT2:
Note that for any given PTi and PTj there is exactly one such relationship between PTi and PTj (even if
this relationship might be unknown). Example (from KOPERSKI & al. 2000): The authors have their own taxonomic concept for the species Racomitrium affine (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Lindb. within the BRYOPHYTA which does not always agree with the taxonomic views of others authors. If the basic relationships which have been explicitly established by KOPERSKI & al. (2000) are described as: PT1 º PT2, PT1 º PT3, PT1 Ì PT4, PT1 É PT5, PT1 É PT6, PT1 É PT7, PT1 Å PT8, and PT1 ! PT9. However, a relationship may also be the result of a sequence of relationships (from PT1 to PT2, from PT2 to PT3 and so on). Therefore the idea of a combined relationship must be introduced. Combined relationshipsCall R the set of all basic relationships. R =
Ì, É, Å,
!}. Every subset S of R is a combined relationship. This means that if PT1 has a relationship S to PT2 then one of the relationships that belong to S is the
basic relationship between PT1 and PT2. There are 32
(25) different combined
relationships: Note that
it would be an error to treat the empty relationship
(Æ) as being equal to R5
(!). The empty relationship is only used for the
representation of a combination of contradictory opinions about relationships. The concatenation operatorWhat happens if there is a relationship S1 between PT1 and PT2 and another relationship S2 between PT2 and PT3? For this purpose an operator “®“ between two combined relationships can be defined, the result of which is another combined relationship: S1 ® S2 = S3 if and only if S3 is the relationship between PT1 and PT3 that can be deduced from the fact that S1 is the relationship between PT1 and PT2 and S2 the relationship between PT2 and PT3.
The results from this operator can be described in a 32 x 32 table. Examples: In
the example mentioned above about Racomitrium affine (F. Weber & D. Mohr)
Lindb. it was asserted that If PT4 S1 PT1, PT6 S2 PT1 and PT1 S3 PT8 so are S1 = {É}, S2 = {Ì} and S3 = {Å}. If the relationship which
arises through concatenation between PT4 and PT8 is called S4 (and S5 the one
between PT6 and PT8), so If we take into account that according
to KOPERSKI et al. (2000) It can be asserted therefore that actually PT6 {Ì , Å} PT8 but that PT4 {É, Å} PT8 remains. It can also be deduced that PT5 {Ì , Å, !} PT8. Information transmittabilityIf we have several taxonomic concepts with different relationships among them, then new relationships arise through concatenation. How can these final relationships be interpreted so the user can get an indication about the quality of the information transmission? Four options exist for the transmittability to the taxonomic concept PT2 of information linked to the taxonomic concept PT1:
Linked information should be transmitted only in the first three cases (with an appropriate comment as to possible caveats). In the case of the different taxonomic views about Racomitrium affine, if the transmittability of information from other taxonomic views to PT1 [Racomitrium affine (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Lindb. sec. KOPERSKI & al. (2000)] is to be considered, it can be said that:
If the discussed relationships between PT4, PT5 or PT6 and PT8 are considered, then it can be said that
Relationship qualifierIf the expert has doubts about the relationship, he can mark it with “?”
(doubtful). In the example already mentioned KOPERSKI &
al. have qualified in two cases the indicated relationship as assumptions, so that these relationships
should be described as This marker is always transmitted to the derived relationships when "concatenated". Therefore the relationship between PT4 and PT8 is S4? = {É?, Å?} and not merely S4 = {É, Å}. For the interpretation of transmittability it can be asserted that the transmittabilities inherit the "doubtful" qualification in such a way that: Let PT1 S PT2, In this sense it can be said that factual data which are bound to Racomitrium heterostichum (Hedw.) Brid. sec. SMITH (1980) are not only only "partially" transmittable to Racomitrium sudeticum (Funck) Bruch & Schimp. sec. CORLEY & al. (1981/1991) but even that this partial transmittability is doubtful. LITERATURE BERENDSOHN, W. G. (1995): The concept of "potential taxa" in databases. - Taxon 44: 207-212 KOPERSKI, M., SAUER, M., BRAUN, W. & GRADSTEIN, S. R. 2000: Referenzliste der Moose Deutschlands. Dokumentation unterschiedlicher taxonomischer Auffassungen. Schr.-R. f. Vegetationskunde. 34: 1-519. ZHONG, Y., JUNG, S., PRAMANIK, S. & BEAMAN, J. H. 1996: Data model and comparison and query methods for interacting classifications in a taxonomic database. Taxon 45: 223-241.
Marc Geoffroy, July 2001 __________________________________________________________________________
MoreTax (Rule-based association of taxonomic concepts) is a research and development project financed by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation of the German Ministry of the Environment.
Project co-ordinator: Walter
Berendsohn |
This page last updated on 19-06-2002
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