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Details for: Couepia longipendula

1 different source(s) use this name:

- Prance, G.T. & Sothers, C.A. - Species plantarum: flora of the world. Part 9 & 10. Chrysobalanaceae. 2003.

Source: Prance, G.T. & Sothers, C.A. - Species plantarum: flora of the world. Part 9 & 10. Chrysobalanaceae. 2003. [IOPI preferred view]

Name: Couepia longipendula Pilg.
Nomencl. ref. Notizbl. K???igl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6, 141. 1914.
Rank: Species
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): Familia - Chrysobalanaceae R.Br.
    Genus - Couepia Aubl.
Taxon Notes: The fruit contains oil and is cultivated around Manaus for its edible cotyledons.
Description: Tree 5–30 m tall. Leaves with stipules lanceolate, to 3 mm long, persistent; petioles 4–8 mm long, shallowly weakly canaliculate, glabrous; lamina oblong-elliptic, 6–16 × 3–7.5 cm, rounded to cuneate at base, caudately acuminate at apex with acumen 1–1.5 cm long, glabrous on both surfaces; primary veins 5–8 pairs, almost plane. Inflorescences pendulous panicles on long (to 60 cm) peduncles, mostly glabrous but sparsely pubescent towards apex. Bracts and bracteoles 1–3 mm long, apiculate, caducous. Receptacle turbinate, 10–15 mm long, with short light brown pubescence on exterior, completely glabrous within. Calyx lobes rounded, with 2 sessile glands on exterior. Petals 5, rose, caducous, ciliate on margins. Stamens c. 32, inserted in a nearly complete circle, with a few toothed staminodes interspersed on distal side opposite ovary. Ovary densely villous. Style glabrous, flattened at base. Fruit round to ellipsoid, 4–6 × 4 cm; epicarp with short sparse brown pubescence; pericarp hard, thick, fibrous, not differentiated, densely lanate within.
Geography: Brazil (lower Rio Negro region). 84: BZN (AM, PA). Non-flooded forest. Flowering Aug.–Nov. Map 60.
Map: Map: G.T.Prance, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9S: 214 (1989).
Type specimen: T: Brazil North: Amazonas, Manaus, Bosossa, E.Ule 8854; holo: B, destroyed; lecto: K, fide G.T.Prance, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 248 (1972); iso: L, LA, MG.

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This page last updated: Dienstag, 21. August 2007