DERMBASE is designed to contain all names of or related to the Dermateaceae. The delimitation of the family follows Systema Ascomycetum Vol. 9 but the database contains also names of taxa which have been included by earlier authors or have in another way been linked with the family. Included are also invalid names, such as nomina nuda used in exsiccata series. Names of imperfect stages are presented in the form as given in the publication.
DERMBASE provides the following data: Name, authors, protologue reference, nomenclatural status, basionym, corresponding accepted name, synonyms, type citation from the protologue, morph state and names of alternative morphs.
So far the following sources have been evaluated: Saccardo - Sylloge Fungorum, Petrak's List, Index of Fungi, Rehm - Discomyceten, Boudier - Hist. Class. Discom. and about 1200 further publications.
Data from new and not previously evaluated publications are continuously being incorporated in DERMBASE. However, while past efforts have been concentrated on compiling this database, priority is now given to the taxonomic evaluation. Corrections and additions are most welcome and will be recognized in the database. The current version here available is DERMBASE 1.0, created July 1, 1997.