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75 especímenes encontrados para "Aristolochia lindeniana subsp. bissei"

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Ver Etiqueta y otros datos Fecha Colector Número Herbario
Pinares de Moa. 8613 HAC
Moa G. C. Bucher 11449 HAC
Exploration of Cuba. Sierra de Nipe, Near Woodfred, Oriente. Deciduous Woods and thickets, 450-550 meters altitude. Vine 1 1/2 fh. Fls Terra Otta Colord, small, near Edgn of Pinar Canels. 1909-12-07 J. A. Shafer 3053 NY
Exploration of Cuba. Sierra de Nipe, Near Woodfred, Oriente. Deciduous Woods and thickets, 450-550 meters altitude. Vine 1 1/2 fh. Fls Terra Otta Colord, small, near Edgn of Pinar Canels. 1909-12-07 J. A. Shafer 3053 US
Exploration of Cuba. Sierra de Nipe, near Woodfred, oriente. Pinelands, 500-650 meters altitude.Pinelands 1910-01-15 J. A. Shafer 3573 NY
Exploration of Cuba. Sierra de Nipe, near Woodfred, oriente. Pinelands, 500-650 meters altitude. Vine 3 ft, dry clifh. "Pinar Mayarí" [cartulina: A. lindeniana Duch. Near var. Plagiochyla Griseb. (No. 2616, Hb. Kew.] 1910-01-15 J. A. Shafer 3573 NY
Explorationof Cuba. Loma Mensura; Oriente. Base 680 meters altitude, to summit 1000 meters altitude. Vine 1-2 fh. Brg side of mountan? 1910-02-02 J. A. Shafer 3817 NY
Herb. Brasil. Reguell, Misuri Bot. Stockholm. Plantae itineris Regnelliani III.Ind. Occ. Cuba: Prov. Orient; Sierra de Nipe in pinetis prope Río Piloto. 1914-07-25 E. L. Ekman 2232 S
Ex Herb. Regneel. Misuri Bot. Stokolm. Plantae itineris Regnelliani III. Cuba; prov. Oriente. Sierra de Nipe, in pinetis prope Río Piloto. 1914-07-25 E. L. Ekman 2232 NY
Herb. Brasil. Reguell, Misuri Bot. Stockholm. Plantae itineris Regnelliani III.Ind. Occ. Cuba: Prov. Orient; Sierra de Nipe in pinetis ad bas. Mont. Loma Mensura. 1914-10-20 E. L. Ekman 3212 S
Herb. Brasil. Reguell, Misuri Bot. Stockholm. Plantae itineris Regnelliani III.Ind. Occ. Cuba: Prov. Orient; Sierra de Nipe in coll. calcar. ad.Rio Jimbambay. 1915-11-23 E. L. Ekman 4743 S
Herb. Brasil. Reguell, Misuri Bot. Stockholm. Plantae itineris Regnelliani III. Ind. Occ. Cuba: Prov. Orient, Sierra de Nipe in savannas pinet. Ad bas. Mont. Loma Mensura, c.752 m. alt. 1919-07-11 E. L. Ekman 9714 S
Plants of Cuba. Moa, Oriente. 1939-12 G. C. Bucher 101 NY
Plants of Cuba. Vine; flowers purple; open pine woods 15 Kms. Sw of Compania de Moa Mill. Sierra de Moa foothills. Collected for the atkins Institution of the Arnold Arboretum in Oriente Province. 1941-07 R. A. Howard 5959 NY
Plants of Cuba. Vine; flowers purple; open pine woods 15 Kms. Sw of Compania de Moa Mill. Sierra de Moa foothills. Collected for the atkins Institution of the Arnold Arboretum in Oriente Province. 1941-07 R. A. Howard 5959 GH
Playa de Moa. Oriente. 1942-03-26 Hno. León, M. Victorin & Hno. Clemente HAC
Pinares de Moa 1943-04 Hno. Clemente HAC
Playa de Moa, Oriente. 1943-04 M. Victorin 21501 HAC
Plants of cuba. Región de Moa (Province d´ Oriente). Moa: Plateforme littorale humide, Sur lalimonite. Nourrit la larve du papilio sp. qui passe pour être le plus dean papilion diurne de Cuba. Université de Montréal. Terrains serpentineux généralment reco 1943-04-16 M. Victorin, Hno. Clemente & Hno. Alain 21501 GH
Pinares de Moa 1945-04-10 J. Acuña 12403 HAC
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