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68 especímenes encontrados para "Ocotea cuneata"

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Ver Etiqueta y otros datos Fecha Colector Número Herbario
St.Yago de Cuba, Sommet de la Guinea - Isotypus: Oreodaphne obovata A. Rich, Fl. Cub. Fanerog. 2: 189 (1850) conf. J. Rohwer Hamburg 1984 1844-08 Linden 2150 P
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali - Isosyntypus of Nectandra cuneata Grieseb. 1859-01 C. Wright 1412 GOET
prope villam Monte Verde dictam - Isosyntypus Nectandra cuneata Griseb.= Ocotea cuneata (Griseb.) Benth. Conf. J.Rohwer 1983 1859-01 C. Wright 1412 K
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali - Isosyntypus of Nectandra cuneata Griseb. 1859-01 C. Wright 1413 GOET
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali - Isosyntypus of Nectandra cuneata Griseb. 1859-01 C. Wright 1413a GOET
prope villam Monte Verde dictam 1859-01 C. Wright 1413a K
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali; a large tree. Isosyntype of Nectandra cuneata 1859-01 C. Wright 1413a GH
La Perla; a large tree 1859-05-28 C. Wright 1413 GH
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali. Oreodaphne. A large tree in thick woods, Fl yellowish green 1859-08-02 C. Wright 1412 GH
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali; a large tree in thick woods, Fl yellowish green 1859-08-02 C. Wright 1412 B
Cuba Orientali - Isosyntypus Nectandra cuneata Mem.Am.Acad., n.s.8:188 (1861)= Ocotea cuneata conf. J.Rohwer 1986 & Isotype Nectandra cuneata Griseb. Pl.Wright 188 = Ocotea nemodaphne Mez 1859-09 C. Wright 1412 MO
in Cuba Orientali, prope villam Monte Verde dictam - Isosyntypus Nectandra cuneata Griseb. = Ocotea cuneata (Griseb.) Benth., non Mez conf. J. Rohwer 1859-09 C. Wright 1412 G
prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali; a large tree 1859-09 C. Wright 1413 B
in Cuba Orientali, prope villam Monte Verde dictam - Isosyntypus Nectandra cuneata = Ocotea cuneata conf. J.Rohwer 1984 1859-09 C. Wright 1413 G
in Cuba Orientali - Isosyntypus Nectandra cuneata Griseb. = Ocotea cuneata (Griseb.) Gomez conf. J.Rohwer 1986 1859-09 C. Wright 1413 MO
in Cuba Orientali, prope villam Monte Verde dictam - Isosyntypus Nectandra cuneata Griseb. = Ocotea cuneata (Griseb.) Benth., non Mez conf. J. Rohwer 1859-09 C. Wright 1413a G
1860 C. Wright 1413a BM
Cuba Orientali, "Monte Verde"; a large tree 1860 C. Wright 1413a HAC-h
Cuba Orientali, "Monte Verde"; a large tree 1860 C. Wright 1413a HAC-h
3 etiquetas: "No. 335 Canelillo arbol. la madera para tablas etc." "No. 1412 coll. C. Wright 1865" "Herbarium Sauvalle 2220" 1865 C. Wright 1412 HAC-h
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