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4 especímenes encontrados para "Ocotea ekmanii cf."

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Ver Etiqueta y otros datos Fecha Colector Número Herbario
Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra: Pico Turquino, at the very top of the mountain, 2040 m alt; common [foto] E. L. Ekman 14536 HAC-h
Oriente: Sierra Maestra, Pico Turquino, on the very top of the mountain; common, a tree, (tree collect n. 473) 1922-07-22 E. L. Ekman 14536 NY
Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra: Pico Turquino, at the very top of the mountain; common tree 1922-07-22 E. L. Ekman 14536 S
Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra: Pico Turquino, at the very top of the mountain, 2040 m alt; common, a tree (tree collect. n. 473) 1922-07-22 E. L. Ekman 14536 HAC-h
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