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397 especímenes encontrados para "Rhytidophyllum exsertum"

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Ver Etiqueta y otros datos Fecha Colector Número Herbario
Common roadside subshrub, 50-80 cm tall. Leaves with viscous pubescence. Corolla bilabiate and red (NOTE: JLC 10039 with greenish corolla).. Native secondary roadside vegetation at base of large vertical cliff. Border of the provinces Sancti Spirtus and S 2007-10-24 J. L. Clark, J. Matos 10038 CM
Common roadside subshrub, 50-80 cm tall. Leaves with viscous pubescence. Corolla bilabiate and green (NOTE: JLC 10038 with reddish corolla).. Native secondary roadside vegetation at base of large vertical cliff. Border of the provinces Sancti Spirtus and 2007-10-24 J. L. Clark, J. Matos 10039 CM
Erect shrub, 1-2 m tall. Usually unbranched. Leaves with gland tipped trichomes that often leave sticky residue when touched. Inflorescence branches red. Calyx green. Corolla immature and green.. Bosque siempre verde mesofilo. Sancti Spíritus. Montañas de 2008-08-04 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10465 HAC
Shrub, 4 m tall. Growing in understory of secondary forest. Calyx green with red apices. Corolla greenish-yellow with faint red striations on outer surfaces and in throat.. Bosque siempre verde mesofilo. Sancti Spíritus. Montañas de Trinidad - Cordillera 2008-08-05 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10477 HAC
Cuba. Provincia: Sancti Spíritus. Montañas de Trinidad – Cordillera Guamuhaya. Reserva ecológica Altura de Banao, 5-10 km SW of Sancti Spíritus. Trail to La Sabina (“Casa Darwin”). 550-600 m. 21°52′59′′ N 79°35′ 56′′ W. Bosque pluvial montano. Shrub, 1.2 2008-08-06 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao, O. Valle-Hernández & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10492 HAC
Cuba: Provincia: Granma. Parque Nacional Turquino. Sierra Maestra. Road Santo Domingo – Pueblo Nuevo, on outskirts of Santo Domingo. 300-600 m. 20°3′ N 76°54′ W. Bosque siempre verde – bosque Secundario. Shrub, 1.5 m. talll. Leves terminally clustered. 2008-08-09 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10508 HAC
Granma. Parque Nacional Turquino. Sierra Maestra. Hiking trail between Pico Joaquin and Micro Estación Biológica El Cojo. [Subshrub, 1-2 m tall. Common along stream in shaded secondary forest. Inforescence branches red. Immature flower buds green. Calyx l 2008-08-11 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10538 HAC
Subshrub, 1-2 m tall. Growing in shaded secondary forest along Río Yara. Inforescence branches red. Calyx lobes light green. Corolla yellowish-green on outside; inside purple to green with purple splotches. Bosque secondario. Granma. Parque Nacional Turqu 2008-08-12 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10546 HAC
Cuba: Provincia: Santiago de Cuba. Cordillera de la Gran Piedra. Hwy Siboney-Gran Piedra, km 8 of 14. 600-800 m. Bosque siempre verde. Shrub, 2-3 m tall. Growing near stream in shady understory of secondary forest. Inflorescence branches green. Calyx lobe 2008-08-13 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10551 HAC
Cuba. Provincia: Guantánamo, Municipio: Baracoa. Prymary trail to summit of El Yunque de Baracoa (managed by Empresa Flora y Fauna). 20°21′ N 74° 34 ′W. Bosque siempre verde. Shrub, 2-3 m tall. Flowers clustered at apex of peduncle and subtended by leaf- 2008-08-14 J. L. Clark, N. Hernández, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10557 HAC
Cuba: Provincia: Holguín. Municipio: Banes. Playa Guardalavaca, 54 Km NE of Hoguín. 21° 8′ N 75° 51′ W. Coastal beach. Shrub growing on vertical limestone outcrop. Shoots subwoody, 40-80 cm tall. Calyx light green. Corolla uniformily yellow on outside; t 2008-08-15 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, E. Palacios-Verdecia, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10569 HAC
Shrub, 1-2.5 m tall. Inflorescence branches red. Calyx green. Corolla yellowish-green on outside; throat uniformly purple to green with purple splotches.. Guantánamo. Hwy. Baracoa-Moa. Paredones/limestone cliffs facing ocean direclty after Río Toa. 2008-08-15 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10565 HAC
Cuba: Provincia: Holguín. Cordillera de Npe. Area known locally as La Caridad along road Pinares de Mayarí, south of Río Guayabo. 20° 19′ N 75° 13′ W. Shrub, 1-2 m tal. Growing in shaded roadside pine forest. Calyx lobes light green and reflexed. Corolla 2008-08-16 J. L. Clark,, J. Matos, P. González-Gutierrez, A. Torres-Bilbao & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10571 HAC
Shrub, 2-3 m tall. Inflorescence branches green. Calyx lobes green and reflexed. Corolla yellowish-green; throat with purple splotches.. Holguín. Municipio: Mayarí. Cordillera Nipe. Sendero Salto de Guayabo, south of Río Guayabo. 2008-08-16 J. L. Clark, J. Matos, A. Torres-Bilbao, O. Valle-Hernández & I. Ventosa-Rodríguez 10579 HAC
8-10 km northwest of San Cristóbal, southern foothills of Sierra del Rosario, primary mule trail to Rangel, along the Río Taco Taco, Campismo Jardín de Aspiro 2008-12-19 J. L. Clark, L. Clavijo, M. Cañizares, J. R. Matos & Oviedo Prieto 10585 US
8-10 km northwest of San Cristóbal, southern foothills of Sierra del Rosario, primary mule trail to Rangel, along the Río Taco Taco, Campismo Jardín de Aspiro 2008-12-19 J. L. Clark, L. Clavijo, M. Cañizares, J. R. Matos & Oviedo Prieto 10585 HAC
Entre Herradura y Jibacoa, Paredones húmedos de roca caliza. 2009-02-22 W. Greuter, T. Borsch, R. Rankin, P. Oriol & D. Suárez 26893 PAL-Gr
Pinares de mayarí, Sendero Salto del Guayabo 2010-02-24 T. Borsch, M. Ackermann, C. Panfet, K. Zoglauer, Pedro A. González, I. Castañeda, J. Gutiérrez 4109 B
Entre los kilómetros 22 y 26 del camino a La Melba. Pluvisilva, suelo serpentinita-laterita 2010-03-02 T. Borsch, M. Ackermann, C. Panfet, K. Zoglauer, Pedro A. González, I. Castañeda, J. Gutiérrez 4313 B
Sierra de Nipe, valle del arroyo La Chivera, Bosque semidecíduo. 2011-03-13 W. Greuter & R. Rankin 27270 PAL-Gr
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