International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

(Saint Louis Code), Electronic version



Article 30

30.1. Publication by indelible autograph before 1 January 1953 is effective. Indelible autograph produced at a later date is not effectively published.

Ex. 1. Salvia oxyodon Webb & Heldr. was effectively published in an indelible autograph catalogue placed on sale (Webb & Heldreich, Catalogus plantarum hispanicarum ... ab A. Blanco lectarum, Paris, Jul 1850, folio).

Ex. 2. The Journal of the International Conifer Preservation Society, vol. 5[1]. 1997 ("1998"), consists of duplicated sheets of typewritten text with handwritten additions and corrections in several places. The handwritten portions, being indelible autograph published after 1 January 1953, are not effectively published. Intended new combinations ("Abies koreana var. yuanbaoshanensis", p. 53) for which the basionym reference is handwritten are not validly published. The entirely handwritten account of a new taxon (p. 61: name, Latin description, statement of type) is treated as unpublished (see also Rec. 34A.1).

30.2. For the purpose of this Article, indelible autograph is handwritten material reproduced by some mechanical or graphic process (such as lithography, offset, or metallic etching).

Ex. 3. Léveillé, Flore du Kouy Tchéou (1914-1915), is a work lithographed from a handwritten text.

30.3. Publication on or after 1 January 1953 in trade catalogues or non-scientific newspapers, and on or after 1 January 1973 in seed-exchange lists, does not constitute effective publication.

30.4. The distribution on or after 1 January 1953 of printed matter accompanying exsiccata does not constitute effective publication.

Note 1. If the printed matter is also distributed independently of the exsiccata, it is effectively published.

Ex. 4. The printed labels of Fuckel's Fungi rhenani exsiccati (1863-1874) are effectively published even though not independently issued. The labels antedate Fuckel's subsequent accounts (e.g., in Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24. 1870).

Ex. 5. Vezda's Lichenes selecti exsiccati (1967-) were issued with printed labels that were also distributed independently as printed fascicles; the latter are effectively published and new names appearing in Vezda's exsiccata are to be cited from the fascicles.

Recommendation 30A

30A.1. It is strongly recommended that authors avoid publishing new names and descriptions or diagnoses of new taxa in ephemeral printed matter of any kind, in particular printed matter that is multiplied in restricted and uncertain numbers, in which the permanence of the text may be limited, for which effective publication in terms of number of copies is not obvious, or that is unlikely to reach the general public. Authors should also avoid publishing new names and descriptions or diagnoses in popular periodicals, in abstracting journals, or on correction slips.

Ex. 1. Kartesz provided an unpaged, printed insert titled "Nomenclatural innovations" to accompany the electronic version (1.0) of the Synthesis of the North American flora produced on compact disk (CD-ROM; a distributable electronic medium in terms of Art. 29.1). This insert, which is effectively published under Art. 29-30, is the place of valid publication of 41 new combinations, which also appear on the disk, in an item authored by Kartesz: "A synonymized checklist and atlas with biological attributes for the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland" (e.g., Dichanthelium hirstii (Swallen) Kartesz in Kartesz & Meacham, Synth. N. Amer. Fl., Nomencl. Innov.: [1]. Aug 1999). Kartesz's procedure is not to be recommended, as the insert is unlikely to be permanently stored and catalogued in botanical libraries and so reach the general public.

30A.2. Authors publishing nomenclatural novelties should give preference to periodicals that regularly publish taxonomic articles, or else they should send a copy of their work to the appropriate indexing centre(s).

30A.3. Authors and editors are encouraged to mention nomenclatural novelties in the summary or abstract, or list them in an index in the publication.

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(c) by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. This page last updated Feb. 12, 2001.