For ease of reference, two sub-indices have been included under the headings; Definitions and Terminations.
1 January 200n | Pre.2-3, 7.2-3, 8.1, 16.N.1, 18.1, 19.1, 28.3, 28.N.1, 29.2, 37.2-4, 38.2-3, Div.III.3 | |
Acceptable names(s), choice between | 19.5 | |
-- definition | 7.3 | |
-- previously published | 14.3 | |
-- typification | 14.3 | |
Accepted name, definition | 7.4, 19.4 | |
Adopted list | 21.2 | |
-- modification to | 21.4 | |
Alternative names | 13.3 | |
Anamorph, definition | 36.3 | |
Apostrophe | 37.5 | |
Ascription, definition | 40.4 | |
-- of author | 40.4 | |
Author, attributed to registrant | 40.7 | |
-- citation of | 40.1 | |
-- cited in parentheses | 41.1 | |
-- of basionym | 41.1 | |
-- not apparent | 40.7 | |
Author citation, internal evidence | 40.6 | |
Author citation, use of "ex" | 40.5, 40.N.1 | |
Author citation, use of "in" | 40.3 | |
Available name, see Established name | ||
Avowed substitute, see Replacement name | ||
Bacteriological Code, see International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria | ||
Basionym, author of | 41.1 | |
-- replacement name | 9.1 | |
-- suppressed name | 23.1 | |
Bibliographic citation | 40.3 | |
-- use of "in" | 40.3 | |
Bibliographic error | 40.4 | |
Bibliographic reference | 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 11.1, 40.1 | |
-- complete | 9.2 | |
Binomen, definition | 7.6 | |
Binomina, for species | Prin.2 | |
BioCode, ambiguity in | Div.III.4 | |
-- authority of | Div.III.1 | |
-- proposals for change in substance | Div.III.6 | |
-- published under auspices of... | Div.III.5 | |
Biology international | Div.III.6.1 | |
Biology, requirement of | Pre.1 | |
bona fide biologists | 10A.1 | |
Bulletin of zoological nomenclature | Div.III.6.1 | |
Choice, competing names | 19.6 | |
-- of epithets and names | 19.5 | |
-- protected names | 21.6, 21.7 | |
Circumscription, change in | Prin.7 | |
Citation, bibliographic | 40.3 | |
Class, formation of name | 25.4 | |
-- principle rank | 3.1 | |
Coherent system of naming | Pre. 1 | |
"comb. nov." | 8.3 | |
Combination, definition | 7.6 | |
Compound generic names | 39.2 | |
Condensed formulae | 34.2 | |
Conditional suppressed name, see Rejected name | ||
Connecting vowels, standardizations | 37.6 | |
Consecutive pagination | 9.2 | |
Conservation, definition | 22.1 | |
Conservation, overrides protection | 21.10 | |
Conserved name(s), competing | 22.4 | |
-- date of name | 22.11 | |
-- gender | 22.10 | |
-- orthography | 22.10 | |
-- place of establishment | 22.2 | |
-- stated type | 22.7 | |
Coordinate name, establishment of | 19.N.1, 26.4, 29.1, 31.5 | |
-- species group | 31.5 | |
Correct name, see Accepted name | ||
Cryopreservation | 15.2 | |
Cultivar-group | 35.1 | |
Cultivar | 35.1 | |
Cultivated plant, definition | 35.1 | |
Cultivated plants | Pre.5 | |
Curatorial unit | 15.1 | |
Date of name, conserved name | 22.11 | |
-- definition | 13.2, 19.1 | |
-- protected status | 21.8 | |
Definitions: | ||
acceptable names | 7.3 | |
accepted name | 7.4, 19.3, 19.4 | |
anamorph | 36.3 | |
ascription | 40.4 | |
author of basionym | 41.1 | |
binomen | 7.6 | |
combination | 7.6 | |
conservation of names | 22.1 | |
cultivated plants | 35.1 | |
date of a name | 13.2, 19.1 | |
epitype | 16.3 | |
established names | 7.2 | |
establishment | 8.1 | |
family group | 4.3 | |
final epithet | 19.4.fn | |
genus group | 4.3 | |
heterotypic synonym | 22.3 | |
holomorph | 36.3 | |
homonym | 18.1 | |
homotypic synonym | 22.3 | |
hybrid formula | 24.N.1 | |
ichnotaxon | 36.7 | |
infragenus | 28.3, 28.N.1 | |
infra-specific rank | 4.3 | |
lectotype | 16.2 | |
name | 7.5 | |
-- genus | 28.1 | |
-- subgenus | 28.2, 28.3 | |
-- infragenus | 28.3, 28.N.1 | |
-- infra-subspecific taxon | 33.1 | |
-- species | 31.1 | |
-- subdivision of genus | 30.1 | |
-- subspecies | 31.3 | |
name-bearing type | 14.2 | |
neotype | 16.1 | |
nominal genus | 17.2 | |
-- species | 17.1 | |
-- taxon | 14.1 | |
original spelling | 37.2 | |
orthographical variant | 38.1 | |
parataxa | 2.2, 36.2 | |
protected name | 21.2 | |
protologue | 9.2.fn | |
publications | 5.1 | |
publication date | 6.1 | |
registration | 13.1 | |
special Codes | Pre. 3 | |
species group | 4.3 | |
specimen | 15.1 | |
subdivision of a family | 4.3 | |
subdivision of a genus | 4.3 | |
suppressed name | 23.1 | |
suprafamilial ranks | 4.3 | |
taxon (taxa) | 1.1 | |
taxon (taxa), undefined | Prin. 1 | |
teleomorph | 36.3 | |
trinomen | 7.6 | |
Derivation of scientific names | Prin. 6 | |
Description, English | 8.3 | |
-- Latin | 8.3 | |
Descriptive names | 25.1, 25.N.1, 25A.1 | |
Diagnostic characters | 15.3 | |
Digitized text | 5.2 | |
Domain, secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Duplicate of specimen | 16A.1 | |
Effective publication, see Publication | ||
Electronic communication | 5.2 | |
Encrypted text | 5.2 | |
English description | 8.3 | |
Epitype, definition | 16.3 | |
-- designation open to challenge | 16.3 | |
-- from living culture | 15.N.1 | |
Erasable electronic support | 5.2 | |
Error, bibliographic | 40.4 | |
Established name, definition | 7.2 | |
Establishment, co-ordinate names | 19.N.1 | |
-- conditions for registration | 13.4 | |
-- coordinate names | 26.4, 29.1, 31.5 | |
-- definition | 8.1 | |
-- English description | 8.3 | |
-- fossil taxa | 11.1 | |
-- Latin description | 8.3 | |
-- subordinate taxa | 12.1 | |
Eukaryotic organisms | Pre. 2 | |
"ex", use of | 40.5, 40.N.1 | |
Facsimile, not publication | 5.6 | |
Family, formation of name | 26.1 | |
Family-group, choice of protected names | 21.6 | |
-- coordinate names | 26.4 | |
-- definition | 4.3 | |
-- formation of names | 26.1 | |
Family, principle rank | 3.1 | |
Films of text, not publication | 5.8 | |
Final epithet, definition | 19.4.fn | |
Form, secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Formation of name(s), above superfamily | 25.1 | |
-- family-group | 26.1 | |
-- genus | 28.1 | |
-- infrasubspecific names | 33.1, 33.3 | |
-- phylum | 25.2, 25.3 | |
-- species | 31.1 | |
-- subdivision of genus | 30.1-30A.1 | |
-- subdivision of family | 27.1 | |
-- subgenus | 28.2, 28.3 | |
-- subphylum | 25.2, 25.3 | |
-- subspecies | 31.3 | |
-- subtribe | 27.1 | |
-- tribe | 27.1 | |
Fossil organisms | Pre. 2 | |
Fossil taxa, establishment of names | 11.1 | |
Fossil traces of organisms | Pre. 2 | |
Fossils, precedence in names | 19.8 | |
Freedom of taxonomic thought | Prin. 1 | |
Freeze-dried ampoule | 15.1 | |
Gender conserved name | 22.10 | |
-- establishment of | 39.1 | |
-- generic names | 39.1 | |
General Committee on Botanical Nomenclature (GCBN) | Div. III.2 | |
Generic name(s), of host | 37.7 | |
--gender | 39.1-39.4 | |
-- without indication of gender | 39.4 | |
-- name-bearing type | 14.1 | |
Genus, formation of name | 28.1 | |
-- primary rank | 3.1 | |
Genus-group, choice of protected names | 21.6 | |
-- definition | 4.3 | |
-- coordinate names | 29.1 | |
Hand-written material | 5.6 | |
Herbarium sheet | 15.1 | |
Heterotypic synonym, definition | 22.3 | |
Holomorph, definition | 36.3 | |
Holotype, citation | 10.1 | |
Homonym(s), definition | 18.1 | |
-- with same date | 18.5 | |
Homotypic names | 13.3 | |
Homotypic synonym | 19.6 | |
-- definition | 22.3 | |
Hortax news | Div.III.6.1 | |
Host | 37.7 | |
Hybrid formula, definition | 24.N.1 | |
Hybridity, desirability of names | 34A.1 | |
-- indication of | 34.1 | |
-- supraspecific ranks | 34.2 | |
Hyphen | 37.3, 37.4 | |
Ichnotaxon | 2.2 | |
-- definition | 36.7 | |
"in", use of | 40.3 | |
Individual organism | 2.1 | |
Infragenus, definition | 28.3, 28.N.1 | |
Infraspecific rank, definition | 4.3 | |
Infraspecific taxa, name bearing type | 15.1 | |
Infrasubspecific name, formation | 33.1, 33.3 | |
-- when not acceptable | 18.2 | |
Internal evidence | 40.6 | |
International Botanical Congress (Nomenclature Section) | Div.III.3 | |
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature | Pre.3, 19.1 | |
International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants | Pre.5, 35.1 | |
International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria | Pre.3, 19.1 | |
International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature | Pre.4 | |
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature | Pre.3, 19.1 | |
International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants | Div.III.2 | |
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) | Div.III.2 | |
International Committee on Bionomenclature (ICB) | Div.III.1 | |
-- appointment of chairperson | Div.III.2 | |
-- power to edit BioCode | Div.III.6 | |
International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology (ICSB) | Div.III.2 | |
International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) | Div.III.2 | |
International Congress of Bacteriology | Div.III.3 | |
International Consultative Group on Bionomenclature | Div.III.6.1 | |
International journal of systematic bacteriology | Div.III.6.1 | |
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) | Div.III.,1, 8 | |
-- Executive Committee | Div.III.2 | |
-- General Assembly | Div.III.3 | |
International Union of Microbiological Sciences (IUMS) | Div.III.1, 8 | |
-- Executive Board | Div.III.1 | |
J | ||
Kingdom, principle rank | 3.1 | |
Labels, not publication | 5.5 | |
Latin description | 8.3 | |
Latin, rare letters in | 37.3 | |
Lectotype, definition | 16.2 | |
Legitimate name, see Acceptable name | ||
Letters j, k, w, y rare in classical Latin | 37.3 | |
Letters u, v, i, j used interchangeably | 37.4 | |
Lichens | 36.3 | |
Ligature | 37.3, 37.4 | |
Limitation of priority | 19.1 | |
Linnaean system | Prin.2 | |
List of names, adopted | 21.2 | |
-- submitted for adoption | 21.1 | |
Lists of conserved names | ||
-- permanently open | 22.12 | |
-- proposal to add or amend | 22.13, 22.14 | |
Lists of protected names | Pre.3, 19.1 | |
Lists of suppressed names | ||
-- permanently open | 23.2 | |
-- proposal to add to | 23.2, 23.3 | |
Lyophilization | 15.2 | |
Microfilm, not publication | 5.6 | |
Misapplied name | 24.1 | |
Morphs, see Anamorph and Holomorph | ||
Multiplication sign, use of | 34.1, 34.N.1 | |
Museum jar | 15.1 | |
Name, all kinds of organisms | Pre. 2 | |
Name-bearing type, application of name | Prin.3 | |
-- based on generic name | 14.1 | |
-- conservation of | 10A.1 | |
-- definition | 14.2 | |
-- deposit of | 10A.1 | |
-- designation of | 10.1 | |
-- genus or below | 10.1 | |
-- infraspecific taxa | 15.1 | |
-- species or below | 10.2, 15.1 | |
-- superfamily or below | 14.1 | |
Names(s), confusingly similar | 18.3, 38.1 | |
-- definition | 7.5 | |
-- doubtfully similar | 18.4 | |
-- in current use | 21.1 | |
-- of a genus, definition | 28.1 | |
-- of a subgenus, definition | 28.N.1 | |
-- of an infragenus, definition | 28.N.1 | |
-- of host | 37.7 | |
-- of infra-subspecific taxon, definition | 33.1 | |
-- of species, definition | 31.1 | |
-- of subdivision of genus, definition | 30.1 | |
-- of subspecies, definition | 31.3 | |
-- new | 8.3 | |
-- new, author | 40.2 | |
-- precedence outside own rank | 19.2 | |
-- proper reasons for change | Prin. 7 | |
-- status | 20.1 | |
Neotype, definition | 16.1 | |
New combination, author | 40.2 | |
-- for previous established name | 9.1 | |
-- typification | 14.3 | |
"new combination" | 8.3 | |
"new species" | 8.3 | |
Nomenclatural acts | 8.4, 13.1 | |
Nomenclatural type, see Name-bearing type | ||
Nomenclature, precedence by date | Prin. 4 | |
-- priority | Prin. 4 | |
-- stability of | Prin. 7 | |
Nominal genus, definition | 17.2 | |
Nominal species, definition | 17.1 | |
Nominal taxon, definition | 14.1 | |
Non-fossil organisms | Pre. 2 | |
Objective synonym, see Homotypic synonym | ||
Order, formation of name | 25.5 | |
-- principle rank | 3.1 | |
Organism, part of | 2.2 | |
Original spelling, definition | 37.2 | |
-- when correctable | 37.1 | |
Orthographical variant, after 200n | 38.1 | |
-- correctability | 38.2 | |
-- definition | 38.1 | |
Orthography, conserved name | 22.10 | |
-- diaeresis | 37.N.1 | |
Page reference | 9.2 | |
Parataxa, definition | 2.2, 36.2 | |
-- use of binomina | 26.4 | |
Parts of organisms | 2.2 | |
Patents, not publication | 5.7 | |
Photographs of text, not publication | 5.8 | |
Photostat, not publication | 5.6 | |
Phylum, formation of name | 25.2, 25.3 | |
-- principle rank | 3.1 | |
Potentially valid name, see Acceptable name | ||
Precedence, by date | Prin. 4 | |
-- fossil & non-fossil names | 19.8 | |
-- outside own rank | 19.2 | |
Precise system of naming | Pre. 1 | |
Prefix, infra- | 4.2 | |
-- sub- | 4.2 | |
-- super- | 4.2 | |
Preserved specimen | 10.2 | |
Primary ranks | 3.1 | |
Principle ranks | 3.1 | |
Priority (of publication) | Prin. 4 | |
Prohibited terminations | 25.6, 26.2, 27.2, 28.1 | |
Prokaryotic organisms | Pre. 2 | |
Protected name, competing | 21.6 | |
-- definition | 21.2 | |
-- earlier homonym of | 21.5 | |
Protection, conserved names | 21.10 | |
-- date of | 21.8 | |
-- restrictions | 21.3 | |
-- suppressed names | 21.10 | |
Protologue, bibliographic reference to | 40.1 | |
-- definition | 9.2.fn | |
Provisions of this Code | Pre. 2 | |
Public meeting, not for publication | 5.4 | |
Publication date, definition | 6.1 | |
Publication, definition | 5.1 | |
-- designation of type | 16.4 | |
-- different editions | 40.6 | |
-- disqualifying statement | 8.4 | |
-- issued at different times | 40.6 | |
-- not for general public use | 5.3 | |
Q | ||
Rank(s), change in | Prin. 7 | |
-- further added | 4.N.1 | |
-- greater number desired | 4.2 | |
Registering office | 13.1 | |
-- receipt of matter | 13.2 | |
Registration, definition | 13.1 | |
-- of type | 16.4 | |
-- procedure | 13.1 | |
-- resubmission | 13.4 | |
-- simultaneous | 13.3 | |
Rejected name | 22.6 | |
Replacement name | 9.1, 14.3 | |
-- previous established name | 9.1 | |
-- typification | 14.3 | |
Requirements of Biology | Pre. 1 | |
Restriction of freedom of taxonomic thought | Prin. 1 | |
Scientific community | 5.1 | |
Scientific names, governance by BioCode | Prin. 1 | |
-- nomenclature of | Prin. 2 | |
-- treated as Latin | Prin. 6 | |
Secondary ranks | 4.1 | |
Section, secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Series, secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Simple system of naming | Pre. 1 | |
Simultaneous registration | 13.3 | |
Slide preparation | 15.1 | |
"sp. nov." | 8.3 | |
Special Codes | 7.2, 7.3, 16.N.1, | |
21.8, 29.2, 37.4, 38.2, | ||
Div.III.3, Div.III.4, Div.III.5 | ||
-- definition | Pre. 3 | |
Species, formation of name | 31.1 | |
-- name bearing type | 15.1 | |
-- primary rank | 3.1 | |
-- principle rank | 3.1 | |
Species group, choice of protected names | 21.7 | |
-- definition | 4.3 | |
Species-group name, coordinate names | 31.5 | |
-- grammatical correction | 31.4 | |
Specific epithet, same as generic name | 31.2 | |
Specimen, definition | 15.1 | |
-- duplicate | 16A.1 | |
-- preserved | 10.2 | |
Spelling, see Original spelling | ||
-- standardizations | 37.6 | |
Stabilization of names | 21.1 | |
Subclass, formation of name | 25.2 | |
Subdivision of family, definition | 4.3 | |
-- formation of names | 27.1 | |
Subdivision of genus, definition | 4.3 | |
-- formation of names | 30.1-30A.1 | |
Subfamily, formation of name | 26.1 | |
-- secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Subgenus, formation of name | 28.2, 28.3 | |
-- secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Subjective synonym, see Heterotypic synonym | ||
Suborder, formation of name | 25.2 | |
Subordinate taxa, establishment | 12.1 | |
Subphylum, formation of name | 25.2, 25.3 | |
Subspecies, formation of name | 31.3 | |
-- secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Subtribe, formation of name | 27.1 | |
Superfamily, formation of name | 26.1 | |
-- or below, name-bearing type | 14.1 | |
-- secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Suppressed name, definition | 23.1 | |
-- proposal | 23.1 | |
Suppression, overrides protection | 21.10 | |
Suprafamilial ranks, definition | 4.3 | |
-- names of | Prin. 3 | |
Taxon (journal) | Div.III.6.1 | |
Taxon(a), consecutively subordinate rank | 2.1 | |
-- definition | 1.1 | |
--descending sequence | 3.1, 4.1 | |
Taxonomic groups, termed taxa | 1.1 | |
Taxonomic knowledge | Prin. 7 | |
Taxonomic thought | Prin. 1 | |
Teleomorph, definition | 36.3 | |
Termination, class name | 25.4 | |
-- correction of | 25.7, 26.3 | |
--family name | 26.1 | |
-- gender of generic names | 39.3 | |
-- genus | 28.1 | |
-- order name | 25.5 | |
-- phylum name | 25.3 | |
-- prohibited | 25.6, 26.2, 27.2, 28.1 | |
-- standardizations | 37.6 | |
-- subclass name | 25.4 | |
-- subfamily name | 26.1 | |
-- suborder name | 25.5 | |
-- subphylum name | 25.3 | |
-- subtribe | 27.1 | |
-- superfamily name | 26.1 | |
-- tribe | 27.1 | |
-- viral taxa | 25.6, 26.2, 27.2, 28.1 | |
Terminations | ||
-aceae | 26.1 | |
-ales | 25.5 | |
-eae | 27.1 | |
-idae | 25.4 | |
-idae | 26.1 | |
-ina | 27.1 | |
inae | 26.1 | |
-inae | 27.1 | |
-ineae | 25.5 | |
-ini | 27.1 | |
-mycetes | 25.4 | |
-mycetidae | 25.4 | |
-mycota | 25.3 | |
-mycotina | 25.3 | |
-oidea | 26.1 | |
-oideae | 26.1 | |
-opsida | 25.4 | |
-phyceae | 25.4 | |
-phycidae | 25.4 | |
-phyta | 25.3 | |
-phytina | 25.3 | |
-virales | 25.6 | |
-viridae | 25.6, 26.2, 27.2 | |
-virinae | 25.6, 26.2, 27.2 | |
-virus | 28.1 | |
Trace fossils | 2.2 | |
Transcription | 37.4 | |
Tribe, formation of name | 27.1 | |
-- secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Trinomen, definition | 7.6 | |
Type, citation of | 10.1 | |
-- conserved name | 22.7 | |
-- designation of before 200n | 16.N.1 | |
-- designation to be published | 16.4 | |
-- illustration permitted | 15.3 | |
-- material, not practicable to preserve | 15.3 | |
-- nominal taxon of family-group | 17.2 | |
-- nominal taxon of genus | 17.1 | |
-- registration of | 16.4 | |
Type Specimen, ambiguous | 16.3 | |
-- containing parts of more than one taxon | 16.2 | |
-- epitype | 16.3 | |
-- lectotype | 16.2 | |
-- lost or destroyed | 16.1 | |
-- metabolically inactive state | 15.2 | |
-- neotype | 16.1, 16A.1 | |
Typeless names | 25.1, 25A.1 | |
Typographical error | 38.1 | |
U | ||
Valid name, see Accepted name | ||
Validly published name, see Established name | ||
Variety, secondary rank | 4.1 | |
Viral taxa | 25.6, 26.2, 27.2, 28.1 | |
Virology division news | Div.III.6.1 | |
Virus nomenclature | Pre.4 | |
W | ||
X | ||
Y | ||
Z |
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Disclaimer © BGBM. Address: Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM), Freie Universität Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14195 Berlin, Germany