A branch of: Lampinen, R., Liu, S., Brach, A.R. & McCree, K. (1996-). The Internet Directory for Botany. - [] |
The home of the IDB SC List is at in the Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki University, Finland. If you are reading this page or the other IDB SC files at one of the mirror sites, and wish to send comments, please check first the Helsinki pages. On December 11, 1998, there were about 4,000 botany related links in this index. | ||
WHAT'S NEW. Additions and url corrections for this month and last month, sorted by date and subject. Updated December 11, 1998. | SEARCH ENGINES. Access the IDB search tools and some other Internet search engines. | MIRRORS. List of the mirror sites for the IDB Subject Category Lists and the IDB Alphabetical List. |
The links on this site are divided by subject into the following 18 files (some links may appear in more than one file): | ||
BOTANICAL GARDENS. Sorted alphabetically by country. |
BIOLOGISTS' ADDRESSES. List of address databases and address search tools, sorted alphabetically. | BOTANICAL MUSEUMS, HERBARIA, NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMS. Sorted alphabetically by country. |
BOTANICAL SOCIETIES, INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Subheadings: Agriculture, Economic Botany, Forestry - Bryology - Ecology - Horticulture, Garden Plants (general) - One genus / family / group societies - Mycology - National / Regional botanical and natural history societies - Palynology - Pathology - Phycology - Physiology - Systematics and taxonomy - Other. | CHECKLISTS AND
FLORAS, TAXONOMIC DATABASES, VEGETATION. Subheadings: General - Global - Africa - Asia - Australia - Europe - N America - Latin America. |
THREATENED PLANTS. Subheadings: General - Africa - Asia - Australia - Europe - Latin America - USA. |
ECONOMIC BOTANY, ETHNOBOTANY. Subheadings: Crops - Ethnobotany - Herbal Medicine - Plant Pathology - Poisons - Weeds. -- Information on useful plants (food, medicine, material for textiles, etc.) and harmful plants (plant pathology, poisonous plants, weeds). Not many horticultural links (there are some in a separate file GARDENING). Furthermore, only few links on forestry and agriculture (there are comprehensive lists on these topics - some of them are listed under "LINK COLLECTIONS, RESOURCE GUIDES". | GARDENING. Miscellaneous gardening links, sorted alphabetically. Horticultural Societies are listed on the societies page. Arboreta and botanical gardens, and newsgroups related to garden plants, are listed in their respective files. |
IMAGES. Sites with large collections of images of plants or fungi; some software links. |
LINK COLLECTIONS, RESOURCE GUIDES. An alphabetical list of some other botanical Internet directories and searching utilities; links to branches of (applied) botany which are very superficially covered by the IDB. | LISTSERVERS AND
NEWSGROUPS. A short list of some of the most important mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups. |
Links to sites dealing with algae, bryophytes or fungi. |
OTHER RESOURCES. Subheadings: Plant Genetics - Seeds - Standards - Other. This file contains links that do not fit well into the other categories. | PALEOBOTANY,
PALYNOLOGY, POLLEN. A short list of links, sorted alphabetically. |
SOFTWARE Software mainly for field botanists and taxonomists, sorted alphabetically |
UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS, OTHER INSTITUTES. University departments of biology or botany, miscellaneous other institutes or projects - sorted geographically under Africa - Asia - Australia & New Zealand - Europe - Latin America - N America (Canada /// USA). | VASCULAR PLANT
FAMILIES. Subheadings: Family descriptions, nomenclature - Pteridophytes - Gymnosperms - Angiosperms |
![]() Raino Lampinen,
Botanical Museum,
Finnish Museum of Natural History (H) |
This page was last updated December 11, 1998.