Commission on Bryophytes
Ros (Secretary); Aleffi, Blockeel, El-Saadawi,
Ganeva, Herrnstadt, Kürschner, Mazimpaka, Sabovljević, Sergio.
2004. This Commission held a virtual meeting in July
2004 via e-mail as the majority of its members were unable to attend the
meeting in Belgrade.
With regard to the hepatic and moss checklists, work will be continued during
the next three years. A bryological
excursion will be organised by Marko Sabovljevic to an interesting region of
the ex-Yugoslavia within 1-2 years. Tom Blockeel will organise another
excursion to Greece
within 3-4 years. The Secretary of the Commission will seek funds in order to
organise bryological courses on problematic genera. Lastly, the bryologists
participating in this Commission were requested to send the Secretary a list of
their published papers by the end of the year in order to start compiling
recent bryophyte literature.