Commission for Floristic Investigation

This Commission has two distinct fields of activity: the review of Mediterranean collecting activities and the "Itinera Mediterranea":


I. Itinera Mediterranea - Botanical expeditions

  • In 1990, the III Iter Mediterraneum took place in Sicily. It was organized by F. Raimondo (Palermo), attended by 14 participants and preceded by a seminar held at the Department of Botany of the Palermo University. More than two thousand numbers were collected all over the island from May 29th to June 18th, each with an average of eight duplicates to be deposited in the botanical centres of the participants.
  • In 1991, the IV Iter Mediterraneum took place in Cyprus from April 9th to April 30th. It was organized by G. Alziar (Nice) and attended by 13 participants. 1717 numbers (1042 phanerogams and 675 bryophytes) were collected in the SW part of the island.
  • In 1992, the V Iter Mediterraneum took place in Morocco from 7-28th June. It was organized by Dr. M. Rejdali and Dr. A. Acchal as local organizers and Prof. B. Valdés as central organizer. It was attended by 14 participants (including the local organizers) and was preceded by a seminar in Rabat. 2281 numbers were collected in the Rif and Atlas Mountains.
  • The VI Iter Mediterraneum to W Spain and E Portugal, originally scheduled for 1993, took place from 18 April to 7 May, 1994. It was organized by F. Amich and E. Rico from Salamanca as local organizers and Prof. B. Valdés as central organizer. 1800 numbers were collected.
  • The VII Iter Mediterraneum to Greece successfully took place in 1995. It was organized by Prof. G. Kamari et al. as local organizers and Prof. B. Valdés as central organizer. The Berlin pharmaceutical enterprise AnalytiCon paid the cost of two extra participants and provided additional funds.
  • In 1997 the VIII Iter Mediterraneum took place in Calabria, S Italy (organized by Palermo)

A detailed account of the I and II Iter and their results were published as Volume 1 and 3 of the serial ´Bocconea` respectively. The results of the expeditions to Sicily and Cyprus (III and IV Iter) will be published jointly in volume 6 of the same journal.

(More Information)


2004-2006. At the Commission meeting held at the XI OPTIMA Meeting in Belgrade, this Commission discussed the XII Iter Mediterraneum. This expedition was originally going to be carried out in Libya in 2003. Plans had been going well, when contact with the host country was suddenly lost and the expedition had to be postponed. Turkey was suggested as a possible destination for the XII Iter Mediterraneum and Prof. Neriman Özhatay from Istanbul University was proposed as a possible organiser. Another possibility was to organise an expedition to the former Yugoslavia or Albania with the aid of Dr. Vladimir Stevanović from Belgrade. A third option mentioned was an expedition to Sardinia.

The publication of the accounts of former Itinera Mediterranea was also discussed. The first four accounts have been published, but the other seven have not. Possible ways to speed up the publication of these expedition accounts were examined.  


II. Mediterranean collecting activities:

The Commission assembles data for the column "Field Work News" of the OPTIMA Newsletter and prepares detailed lists of excursions and expeditions in the various countries of the Mediterranean area. Data so far available, covering the years from 1983, will be included in a database and will be made available to all OPTIMA members.

For further information, please contact Commission's Secretary (2001-2007):


Commission for Floristic Investigation


B. Valdés
Dpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo. 1095, E-41080 Sevilla, SPAIN
Tel: 34 54 557047; Fax: 34 54 557059; E-mail:


T. Constantinidis, Patras
A. Di Martino, Palermo
T. Ekim, Ankara
M. Fennane, Rabat
C. C. Heyn, Jerusalem
D. Jeanmonod, Genève
S. Kozuharov, Sofia
J. Mathez, Montpellier
F. M. Raimondo, Palermo
T. Raus, Berlin
V. Stevanovic, Beograd

Page editors. This page last updated October 24, 1998.