BioCISE was a Concerted Action project funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General XII, Biotechnology Programme. The site is currently maintained by the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem.
Results of
the project |
BioCISE address information on more than 2500 European biological collections
available in the Collection Catalogue.
Collaboration: BioCISE initiated the Portuguese Biological
Collection Data Resource. Collection information held by the Belgian BIODIV programme, the Index Herbariorum for the herbaria of the World,
the Institute of Botany,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow for Polish herbaria, the CABRI Project for biotechnological resources and
information, NatureWeb for Austrian collections
and the IPGRI Directory of Germplasm Collections
is directly accessible through the BioCISE collection catalogue; this serves as an example
for the kind of cooperation agreement we envision for the next phase of BioCISE.
This page last updated 23.05.02