The references in this index are not to pages but to the Articles, Recommendations, etc. of the Code, as follows: Div. = Division; Pre. = Preamble; Prin. = Principles; arabic numerals = Articles or, when followed by a letter, Recommendations; Ex. = Examples; N. = Notes; fn. = footnotes; H. = App. I (hybrids); App. = other Appendices.
For ease of reference, a few sub-indices have been included under the following headings: Abbreviations, Definitions, Epithets, Publications, Transcriptions (including related subjects), and Word elements.
For plant names in Latin appearing in the body of the Code plus App. I, refer to the special Index of scientific names. A separate Index to App. IIIA (nomina
generica conservanda et rejicienda) is provided on p. 336-353 of the printed publication.
Abbreviation, authors' name 46A.1-5
-- herbarium name 37.N.1
-- personal name 60B.N.1
anam. nov. (anamorphe nova) 59A.1
auct. (auctorum) 50D
comb. nov. (combinatio nova) 7.4
emend. (emendavit) 47A
& (et) 46C.1
& al. (et alii) 46C.2
excl. gen. (excluso genere, exclusis generibus) 47A
excl. sp. (exclusa specie, exclusis speciebus) 47A
excl. var. (exclusa varietate, exclusis varietibus) 47A
loc. cit. (loco citato) 33A
m. (mihi) 46D
mut. char. (mutatis characteribus) 47A
n- (notho-) H.3.1
nob. (nobis) 46D
nom. alt. (nomen alternativum) 19.Ex.2+4, 19.7
nom. cons. (nomen conservandum) 50E.1
nom. nud. (nomen nudum) 50B
op. cit. (opere citato) 33A
p. p. (pro parte) 47A
pro hybr. (pro hybrida) 50.Ex.2
pro sp. (pro specie) 50.Ex.1
pro syn. (pro synonymo) 50A
s. ampl. (sensu amplo) 47A
s. l. (sensu lato) 47A
s. str. (sensu stricto) 47A
St. (Saint), in epithet 60C.4(d)
stat. nov. (status novus) 7.4
Absence of a rule Pre.9
Abstracting journals 30A
Acceptance of name 34.1(a), 45.1
Adjective, as epithet 23.1+5+6(a+c), 24.2, 60.8, 60C.1(c-d), 60D
-- as name 20A.1(f)
Agreement, grammatical, see under Gender
-- in number 60.N.3
Agricultural plants, designation 28.N.1
Algae, Committee for Div. III.2
-- fossil vs. non-fossil 11.7
-- homonymy with bacterial name 54.N.1
-- Latin description or diagnosis 36.1-2
-- living culture from holotype 8B.1
-- names of divisions, classes and subclasses 16.2, 16.A.3(a)
-- originally assigned to non-plant group 45.
-- starting points 13.1(e)
Alliance, instead of order 17.2
Alteration of circumscription, author citation 47, 47A
-- of rank, author citation 49.1
-- -- -- priority 11.2
-- of status, hybrid/non-hybrid 50
Alternative names 34.2
-- different ranks 34.2
-- families 10.6, 11.1, 18.5-6
-- pleomorphic fungi 34.N.1
-- valid publication 34.2
Ambiguity, avoidance Pre.1
Amendment, see Modification
American code of botanical nomenclature 10.Ex.6
Ampersand (&) 46C.1-2
Analysis 42.4
-- equivalence for non-vascular plants 44.2
-- for valid publication 42.3, 44.1
-- alternative names 7.9, 34.N.1
-- binary names admissible 59.5
-- name, binary 59.5
-- -- new 59A.1
-- -- not alternative 34.N.1
-- -- -- use permitted 59.5
-- new taxon/new combination 59.6, 59A.2
Apostrophe, deletion 60.10
Appendix, I, see Hybrid
-- II 14.1+5+N.1, 18.Ex.7, 60.Ex.5
-- III 14.1+3+N.1-2, 50E.1, 53.Ex.10
-- IV 56.1
Arbitrary formation, epithet 23.2
Article(s), in personal name 60C.4(c)
-- of the Code Pre.3
Ascomycetes, pleomorphic 59.1
Ascription, definition 46.3
-- effect on author citation 46.2+4
Asexual form, see Anamorph
Author, citation (see also Citation) 46
-- -- alteration of diagnostic characters 47
-- -- autonyms 22.1, 26.1, 46.1
-- -- basionym 49.1
-- -- change of rank 19A.Ex.1-2, 49.1
-- -- followed by "in" 46.N.1
-- -- homonyms 50C
-- -- hybrid names 50
-- -- incorrect form 33.3
-- -- internal evidence 46.6
-- -- omission 22.1, 26.1, 46.1
-- -- parenthetical 49.1
-- -- pre-starting point authors 46.5
-- -- unchanged 16.A.4, 17.3, 18.4, 19.6, 24.4, 32.6, 47
-- -- with "&" or "& al. " 46C.1
-- -- with "ex" 46.4-5+N.2
-- names, abbreviation 46A.1-5+N.1
-- -- own to be used 46D
-- -- romanization 46B.1-2
Authors of proposals Div. III.4
Autograph, indelible 30.1, 32.2
Automatic typification, see under Typification
Autonym 6.8
-- in new combination 11.N.2
-- infraspecific taxa 26.1, 55.2
-- no author name 22.1, 26.1, 46.1
-- priority 11.6
-- subdivisions of genus 22.1, 55.1
-- valid publication 32.7
-- printed matter 31.1
-- under zoological Code 45.Ex.4.fn.
Avowed substitute, see Nomen novum
Back-cross H.4.1
Bacterial nomenclature, see International code of nomenclature of bacteria
Basidiomycetes, pleomorphic 59.1
Basionym 33.2
-- author citation 49
-- legitimate 52.3
-- reference 32.4-5, 33.2-4, 33A, 41
-- -- full and direct 32.4, 33.2+4, 33A
-- -- mere cross-reference to bibliography 33A
-- type 7.4
-- without indication of rank 35.2
Bibliographic citation, error 33.3
-- use of "in" 46.N.1
Bigeneric hybrid H.6.2
Binary name 23.1
-- as epithet 24.4
Binding decision, on confusability 53.4
Blue-green algae Pre.7
Bona fide botanists 7A
Bryophyta, Committee for Div. III.2
Bureau of Nomenclature Div. III.3-4
Canonization, prefix indicating 60C.4(d)
Capital initial letter 20.1, 21.2, 60.2, 60F
Catalogue 30.3
Caulis, not a generic name 20.Ex.5
Change of name, proper reasons Pre.9
Choice between names, see under Priority
Choice of type, see Lectotype and Designation
Circumscription Prin.IV, 6.5, 11.1
-- alteration, citation 47, 47A
-- anticipation 34.1(b)
-- causing nomenclatural superfluity 52.1
-- nothotaxon H.4
Citation (see also Author citation)
-- altered circumscription 47A
-- basionym 32.4-5, 33.2-4, 33A, 41
-- bibliographic error 33.3
-- collection data 37.3
-- date of publication 45B.1
-- holotype 37.2
-- homonym 50C
-- invalid name 50A
-- lectotype 37.2
-- loc. cit., avoid use 33.A.1
-- misapplied name 50D
-- nomen conservandum 50E.1
-- nomen nudum 50B
-- op. cit., avoid use 33A
-- orthographical variant 61.N.1
-- single element 37.3
Class (classis), name 16.1-2, 16.A.3
-- rank 3.1
Classical usage, see Tradition
Coal-ball 8A.3
Code, editing Div. III.2
-- modification Div. III
Cohors, instead of order 17.2
Collection data, citation 37.3
-- illustrated material 8A.2
Collective epithet, definition H.3.3+N.2
Combination 6.7
-- based on rejected name 14.4+7+10, 56.1
-- ternary 24.1
-- under conserved later homonym 55.3
-- valid publication 33.1-2
Committees, nomenclature 14.12+14, 14.A, 53.4, 56.2, Div. III.2
Component, fungal, in lichens 13.1(d)
Compound, correctable epithets 60.8
-- generic names, gender 62.2
-- names and epithets 60G.1
Condensed formula H.6.1-2+4, H.7.1
-- commemorating person H.6.3-4, H.6A, H.8.2
-- equivalent to H.6.3-4, H.6A, H.8.2, H.9.N.1
-- nothogeneric name 20.N.1, H.6, H.6A, H.8-9
-- -- more than two parental genera H.6.3-4
-- -- valid publication 32(c), 37.1, 40.N.1, H.9
-- parental names H.8.1, H.9.1
Conflict with protologue 9.13.(b), 9A.5, 10.2+5
Confused name, not to be used 57
Confusingly similar names 53.3-4, 61.5
-- binding decision 53.4
-- treated as homonyms 53.3-4, 61.5
Connecting vowel 60.Ex.12, 60G.1(a2)
Conservation (see also Deposited material, Preservation) 14., 14.A, App.II-III
-- aims 14.1-2
-- citation 50E
-- combination under conserved homonym 55.3
-- date, effect on competing names 14.N.3
-- -- not affecting priority 14.5-7
-- extent 14.4-5+10
-- family name 14.1+4-5, App.IIA-B
-- -- based on illegitimate generic name 18.3
-- gender 14.11
-- General Committee approval 14.14
-- generic name 14.1+4, App.IIIA
-- illegitimate name 6.4, 14.1
-- junior homonym 14.6+10+14., 45.4, 53.1
-- limitation of priority 11.3
-- lists permanently open 14.12
-- name against itself 14.N.1+fn.
-- no entry to be deleted 14.13
-- overrides sanctioning 15.6
-- species name 14.1+4+N.2, App.IIIB
Correct, grammar Pre.1
-- name Prin.IV, 6.5, 11.1+3-4
-- -- choice 11.3-7+N.1 14.5-7, 15.3-5
-- -- of nothotaxon H.4-5, H.8
-- -- of pleomorphic fungus 59.1
-- -- potentially 52.3, H.5.N.1
Correction of spelling, see Orthography
Correction slip 30A
Cultivar epithet 28.N.2
Cultivated plants Pre.8, 28
-- from the wild 28.1
Culture 8.2
-- collection 8B.1
-- from type 8B.2
Custom (see also Tradition), author abbreviation 46A.5
-- prevailing Pre.1
Date, of autonym 32.7
-- of name, definition 45.1
-- -- ease of verification 46.1
-- -- Linnaean generic 13.4, 41.N.1
-- of publication 31.1-2, 31A, 45B.1, 45C.1
-- -- starting point works 13.1+5
-- unchanged 16.A.4, 17.3, 18.4, 19.6, 24.4, 32.6
Alternative names 34.2
Analysis 42.4
Anamorph 59.1
Ascription 46.3
Autonym 6.8
Available name 45.Ex.4.fn.
Basionym 33.2
Binary combination 23.1
Collective epithet H.3.3+N.2
Combination 6.7
Date of name 45.1
Descriptio generico-specifica 42.1
Diagnosis 32.3
Duplicate 9.3.fn.
Effective publication 6.1, 29
Epithet 6.7, 21.2, 23.1-2, 24.2
Epitype 9.7
Ex-type, ex-holotype, ex-isotype 8B.2
Final epithet 11.4.fn.
Form-genera 3.3
Forma specialis 4.N.3
Fossil plant Pre.7.fn.
Holomorph 59.1
Holotype 9.1
Homonyn 53.1
Hybrid formula H.2.,1
Illegitimate name 6.4
Indelible autograph 30.2
Indirect reference 32.5
Isosyntype 9.9
Isotype 9.3
Later homonym 53.1
Lectotype 9.2
Legitimate name 6.3
Monotypic genus 42.2
Name 6.6
Name below rank of genus 11.4
Name of infraspecific taxon 24.1
Name of species 23.1
Neotype 9.6
Nomen novum 7.3
Nomen rejiciendum 56.1
Nomenclatural synonym 14.4, App.IIIA
Nomenclatural type 7.2
Non-fossil plant Pre.7.fn.
Non-valid publication 34.1
Nothogenus 3.2
Nothomorph H.12.2.fn.
Nothospecies 3.2
Nothotaxon H.3.1
Objective synonym 14.4.fn.
Opus utique oppressum 32.8, App.V
Original material 9.9.fn.
Original spelling 60.2
Orthographical variant 61.2
Page reference 33.N.1
Paratype 9.5
Plant Pre.1.fn.
Protologue 9.4,footN.1
Provisional name 34.1(b)
Pseudocompound 60G.1
Registration 32.2
Sanctioned name 7.8, 13.1(d), 15.1
Subdivision of family 4.N.1
Subdivision of genus 4.N.1
Subjective synonym 14.4.fn.
Superfluous name 52.1
Syntype 9.4
Tautonym 23.4
Taxon 1
Taxonomic synonym 14.4, App.IIIA
Teleomorph 59.1
Type 7.2
Delivery, printed matter to carrier 31A
Deposited material, access policy 7A
-- specification of herbarium 9.14., 37.5+N.1
Descriptio generico-specifica 42.1
Description, in addition to diagnosis 36A
-- or diagnosis, ascription 46.2+4
-- -- combined generic and specific 41.3(c), 42.1
-- -- English 36.3
-- -- pre-Linnaean 32A
-- -- provision 32.1, 32B+E, 41.1-3, 42.1
-- -- published before 1753 32A
-- -- reference 32.1(c)+4-5, 32A, 33.2, 36, 38, 39, 41
-- -- -- full and direct 32.4, 33.2+4, 33A
-- -- -- not acceptable 42.1
Descriptive, name 16.A.1, 17.1
-- phrase 23.6-7
Designation of type (see also Lectotype and Unitary) 10.1+5-6, 10A
-- effective, requirements 7.10-11
-- supersedable 10.5
Desmidiaceae, starting point 13.1(e)
Diacritical signs 46B.2, 60.6, 60B.1(d), 60C.3
Diaeresis 60.6
Diagnosis (see also Description) 32.3
-- accompanying description 36A
Diagnostic characters, alteration 47, 47A
Direction of cross H.2A.1
Disadvantageous change of name 56.1
Division (divisio) or phylum, name 16.1-2, 16.A
Duplicate, definition 9.3.fn.
Editorial Committee Div. III.2
Effective publication, date 31.1
-- definition 6.1, 29
-- indelible autograph 30.1
-- valid publication 32.1
-- conflicting with description 9A.5
-- inclusion 52.2
-- -- with doubt 52.N.1
English, description or diagnosis 36.3
Ennoblement, prefix indicating 60C.4
Ephemeral printed matter 30A
Epithet (see also Adjective, Substantive) 6.7, 21.2, 23.1-2, 24.2
-- avoidance 23A.2-3, 58A, 60C.3, H.10A
-- compound 60G.1
-- considered as hybrid formula H.10.3
-- cultivar 28.N.2
-- definite association with genus or species name 33.1
-- derived from, generic name 60F
-- -- geographical name 23A.1-2, 60.7, 60D
-- -- host plant name 60H
-- -- illegitimate name 58.3, 58A
-- -- personal name 23A.1-2, 60.7, 60C.1-4, 60F
-- -- vernacular name 60.7, 60F
-- etymology 60I.1
-- final 11.4.fn.
-- fungal name, derived from host 60H
-- -- identical for anamorph and holomorph 59.N.1
-- hyphenation 60.9
-- inadmissible 21.3, 23.4+6, 24.3-4, 58.2
-- initial letter 60F
-- nothotaxon H.10.3, H.10A, H.11.2
-- original spelling 60E
-- pleomorphic fungi 59.N.1, 59A.2
-- recommended spelling 60E
-- sequence in hybrid formula H.2A.1
Epithets (see also Index to scientific names):
albomarginatus 60G.1(b)
alexandri 60C.2
anagallis-aquatica 23.2, 60.Ex.14.
atropurpureus 60G.1(b)
augusti 60C.2
balansana, -um, -us 60C.1(c)
beatricis 60C.2
billardierei 60.Ex.10
brauniarum 60C.1(b)
brienianus 60C.4(b)
candollei 60C.4(d)
"cannaefolius" 60G.1(b)
caricaefolius 60G.1(b)
ceylanica 53.Ex.8
clusianus, clusii 23A.1
dahuricus 23A.1
dubuyssonii 60C.4(c)
fedtschenkoi 60C.1(a)
geppiorum 60.Ex.20
glazioui 60C.1(a)
hectoris 60C.2
heteropodus, heteropus 53.Ex.8
hilairei 60C.4(d)
hookerorum 60C.1(a)
iheringii 60C.4(e)
jamacaru 60.Ex.6
jussieui 60C.4(d)
laceae 60C.1(a)
lafarinae 60C.4(c)
lecardii 60C.1(b)
leclercii 60C.4(c)
linnaei 60C.2
logatoi 60C.4(c)
macfadyenii 60C.4(a)
macgillivrayi 60C.4(a)
mackenii 60C.4(a)
macnabii 60C.4(a)
macrocarpon, macrocarpum 53.Ex.8
macrostachys, macrostachyus 53.Ex.8
"mandacaru" 60.Ex.6
martii 60C.2+4(e)
martini 60C.2
matthewsiae, matthewsii 60.Ex.19
munronis 60C.2
napaeifolia 60.Ex.12
napaulensis, nepalensis, nipalensis 53.Ex.8
nidus-avis 60G.1(b)
nova 23.Ex.7
obrienii 60C.4(b)
okellyi 60C.4(b)
opuntiiflora 60.Ex.11
"originalis", "originarius" 24.3
poikilantha, poikilanthes 53.Ex.8
polifolia 60.Ex.11
polyanthemos, polyanthemus 53.Ex.8
porsildiorum 23A.1
pteroides, pteroideus 53.Ex.8
quinquegona 51.Ex.2
remyi 60C.4(d)
richardsonis 60C.2
saharae 23A.1
sanctae-helenae 60C.4(d)
sancti-johannis 60C.4(d)
scopolii 60C.1(a)
silvatica 60.Ex.1
steenisii 60C.4(e)
strassenii 60C.4(e)
sylvatica 60.Ex.1
trachycaulon, trachycaulum 53.Ex.8
trianae 60C.1(a)
trinervis, trinervius 53.Ex.8
tubaeflorus 60G.1(b)
vanbruntiae 60C.4(e)
vanderhoekii 60C.4(e)
vechtii 60C.4(e)
"veridicus", "verus" 24.3
verlotiorum 60C.1(b)
vonhausenii 60C.4(e)
wilsoniae 60C.1(b)
zeylanica 53.Ex.8
Epitype, definition 9.7
Error, application of name on transfer 7.4
-- bibliographic citation 33.3
-- correctable orthographical 60.1+8-11
Established custom, see Custom
et (&) 46C.1
Etymology 60I.1
Euphony Pre.1
"ex" in author citation 46.4-5+N.2
Examples in the Code Pre.3
Exclusion of type, see under Type
Exsiccata 30.4+N.1
ex-type (ex typo), ex-holotype (ex holotypo), ex-isotype (ex isotypo) 8B.2
Family (familia), name 18.
-- -- alternative 10.6, 11.1, 18.5-6
-- -- based on illegitimate generic name 18.3
-- -- conservation 14.1+4+5, App.IIA-B
-- -- correction of termination 18.4
-- -- form 18.1
-- -- type 10.6
-- -- valid publication 41.1
-- rank 3.1
-- -- change 19A.1-2
-- -- termed order 18.2
-- subdivision of, see Subdivision of family 4.N.1
Fancy name, in cultivars 28.N.2
Female symbol H.2A.1
Figure, see Illustration
Final epithet 11.4+fn.+N.2, 26.1-2, 27
First, see Priority
Folium, not a generic name 20.Ex.5
Forestry plants, designation 28.N.1
Form (forma), rank 4.1
Forma specialis, definition 4.N.3
Form-genus (see also Anamorph) 3.3-4, 7.9, 11.1
-- Committee for Div. III.2
-- description or diagnosis 36.1+3
-- fragmentary specimen 3.3
-- name, priority 11.7
-- -- type 7.9, 8A.3, 8.4-5, 9A.6
-- -- valid publication 36.1+3, 38
-- -- -- illustration required 38
-- starting point 13.1(f)
Fungi (see also Anamorph, Holomorph, Teleomorph), Committee for Div. III.2
-- epithet, derived from name of host 60H
-- formae speciales 4.N.3
-- homonymy with bacterial name 54.N.1
-- indication of sanctioned status 50E.2
-- lichen-forming 13.(1)d, 59.1
-- living culture from holotype 8B.1
-- names of higher taxa 16.A.1-2+3(b)
-- -- form-taxon (anamorph) 3.4, 11.1, 59.1, 53.3-5
-- -- generic name pertaining to the wrong morph 51, 59.3
-- -- holomorph including correlated anamorphs 25, 34.N.1, 59.1+4
-- -- morph, nomenclatural type 59.1-3+6, 59A
-- -- priority of names 13.6
-- -- typification of names 7.8-9+N.1, 59.2-3+6
-- starting point 13.1(d)
Gasteromycetes, starting point 13.1(d)
Gender, agreement in 21.2, 23.5, 24.2, 60.N.3
-- generic name 62, 62A
-- -- arbitrarily formed name 62.3
-- -- assigned by author 62.1+3
-- -- botanical tradition 62.1+N.1
-- -- compound 62.2
-- -- conservation 14.11
-- -- correction of epithets 60.N.3
-- -- feminine when commemorating person 20A.1(i)
-- -- irrespective of original author 62.2+4
-- -- not apparent 62.3
-- -- when genus is divided 62A
General Committee 14.12+14, 14.A, 32.8-9, 32F, 53.4, 56.2, Div. III.2+4
Generic, see Genus
Genitive, see under Substantive
Genus (genera) (see also Nothogenus) 3, 20, 20A
-- anamorphic 59.3
-- holomorphic 59.3
-- -- adjective used as noun 20A.1(f), 62.3
-- -- as autonym epithet 22.1-2+4
-- -- biverbal 20.2
-- -- capital initial letter 20.1
-- -- coinciding with technical term 20.2
-- -- commemorating person 20A.1(i), 60B
-- -- composed arbitrarily 20.1, 62.3
-- -- conservation 10.4+N.2, 14.1+3-4, 60.N.1-2, App.IIIA
-- -- form 20.1
-- -- -- advisable 20A.1(a+e+i)
-- -- -- not advisable 20A.1(b-d+f-h+j)
-- -- former, as epithet 60F
-- -- gender, see Gender
-- -- illegitimate 55.1
-- -- in Linnaean works 13.4, 41.N.1
-- -- not regarded as such 20.4, 44.N.1
-- -- -- designation 10.1+5
-- -- -- inclusion 10.2-3
-- -- -- indication 37.1-4
-- -- valid publication 37.2+4, 41.2+N.1-2, 42, App.V
-- -- vernacular 62.3
-- rank 3.1
-- -- raised section or subgenus 21B.3, 49
-- subdivision, see Subdivision of genus
Geographical names, in epithets 23A.1+3(j), 60.7, 60D
-- use of "St." 60C.4
Grammatical correctness Pre.1
Greek, gender of nouns 62
-- personal names 60C.2
-- transliteration 60A
-- word elements 60G
Handwritten material 29, 30.2
Hepaticae, starting point 13.1(c)
Herbarium, abbreviation 37.N.1
-- access policy 7A
-- author's institution 9A.4
-- to be specified 37.5
Hierarchy of ranks 2-5
-- subordinate taxa 25, 34.1(d)
-- name, binary 59.2
-- -- correct 59.1
-- -- not alternative 34.N.1
-- -- type 59.1-3+6
-- new taxon/new combination 59.6, 59A.2
Holotype (holotypus) (see also Type) 9.1, 10.N.1
-- automatic 7.3-6
-- definite indication 7.5
-- destroyed 9.9+11
-- duplicate 9.3
-- equivalent in modern language 37.4
-- exclusion 48.1
-- identification ambiguous 9.7
-- illustration 8.1+3, 8A.1-2, 9.1
-- inclusion, in named taxon 10.2-3, 22.1-3, 22A, 26, 26A, 37.2, 52.2+N.1-2
-- -- in other taxon 48.1
-- -- single element 37.3
-- indication 9.9, 37.1-4, 37A
-- location 9A.4, 37.5
-- lost 9.9+11
-- missing 9.2+6+9+11
-- more than one taxon 9.2+9-10+N.1-2
-- permanently preserved 8.2-3+Ex.1, 8A.2, 8B.2
-- -- in public herbarium 7A
-- previously published species name 37.2
-- rediscovered 9.13.
-- supporting epitype 9.7
Homonym (see also Confusingly similar names) 14.10, 22.6, 53.1
-- by conservation 14.9
-- by exclusion of type 48.1
-- choice between simultaneous 53.6
-- conserved later 14.9-10, 45.4, 53.1, 55.3
-- disregard hybrid status H.3.4
-- earlier 14.6+10, 45.4, 53.N.1
-- equal priority 53.6
-- illegitimate 21.N.1, 24.N.2, 53.1-2+N.1
-- infraspecific taxa, same species 24.N.2, 53.5
-- later 14.10, 22.6, 45.4, 53.1-2+N.1
-- names likely to be confused 53.3
-- of conserved name 14.10
-- rejected, earlier 14.10
-- -- later 45.4
-- -- legitimate 14.10
-- subdivisions of same genus 21.N.1, 53.5
-- taxon not treated as plants 54.1
-- unranked 35.2
Horticultural plants, designation 28.N.1
-- specific form 4.N.3
Hybrid Pre.8, 3.2, 4.4, 20.N.1, 28.2, 40, 50, H.1-12
-- anticipation of existence H.9.N.2
-- arising in cultivation 28.2
-- change to non-hybrid status 50
-- condensed formula, see Condensed formula
-- "Cultivated Code" Pre.8, 28.N.1-2
-- formula 23.6(d), H.2, H.2A, H.4.1, H.10.3
-- -- definition H.2.,1
-- -- more informative H.10B.1
-- genus, see Nothogenus and Condensed formula
-- multiplication sign H.1-2,H.3.1+4,H.3A
-- name, see under Nothotaxon
-- parental taxa, see under Nothotaxon
-- prefix notho (n-) H.1, H.3.,1+4
-- rank, see under Nothotaxon
-- species, see Nothospecies
-- statement of parentage 52.N.3
-- -- of secondary importance H.10.N.1
-- status, indication of 50, H.1.,1, H.2
-- taxon, see Nothotaxon
-- variety, see Nothomorph
Hyphen, in compound epithet 23.1, 23A.3(d), 60.9+N.2
-- in generic name 20.3, 60.N.2
-- in hybrid designation H.10.3
-- adoption of epithet 58.3, 58A
-- becoming legitimate later 6.4
-- family 18.3
-- homonyms 21.N.1, 24.N.2, 53.1-2, 54, 58.1(b)
-- hybrid 52.N.3
-- species 55.2
-- subdivision of family 19.5
-- type 7.5
Illustration, advisable 32D.1
-- as type 8.1+3, 8A, 9.1-2+6-7+fn.+14., 10.4, 37.3+5
-- equivalent to description 41.N.2, 42.3, 44.2
-- original material 9.7.fn.
-- scale 32D.3
-- specimen used 8A.1-2, 32D.2, 39A
-- with analysis 41.N.2, 42.3-4, 44.1-2
Improper, see Incorrect
"in" in citation 46.N.1
Inadmissible, see under Epithet
Inclusion of type 22.1-3, 22A, 26, 26A, 37.2, 52.1-2
Incorrect (see also Orthography, correction), Latin termination 16.A.4, 17.3, 18.4, 19.6, 32.6
Indelible autograph 30.2
Index herbariorum 37.N.1
Index kewensis 33.4
Index of fungi 33.4+Ex.8
Indication, of rank, see Rank
-- of type, see Type
Indirect reference 32.4-5
Infrageneric, see Epithet, Infraspecific, Species, Subdivision of genus
Infraspecific, autonym 26
-- epithet (see also Epithet) 24, 24A-B, 26, 26A, 27
-- -- binary combination instead of 24.4
-- -- cultivar 28.N.2
-- -- form 24.2
-- -- grammatical agreement 24.2
-- -- inadmissible 24.3-4, 58.2
-- -- nothotaxon H.10.3, H.10A, H.11.2
-- -- to be avoided 24A.1, 24B.2, 26A.1-3
-- -- to be retained 24A, 24B.1, 26A.3
-- -- under illegitimate species name 55.2
-- ranks 4.1-2
-- -- change 24B.2
-- -- not clearly indicated 35.1-2
-- -- single 35.3
-- -- form 24.1
-- -- homonymous within species 53.5
-- -- legitimate 55.2
-- -- valid publication 41.3, 43.1, 44.1
-- -- including type of species name 26.1-2, 26A, 27
-- -- rank not indicated 35.3
Institution, see Collection and Herbarium
Institutional votes Div. III.4(b)
Intentional latinization 60.7
Intercalated ranks 4.3
Intergeneric hybrid, see Nothogenus
Interim designation 23.Ex.8
Internal evidence in publication 35.4, 46.6
International, Association for Plant Taxonomy 32.2, Div. III.2+4
-- Botanical Congress 14.14+Ex.7, 32.1+9, 53.4, Div. III
-- -- Bureau of Nomenclature Div. III.3-4
-- -- decisions 14.4, 32.9, 53.4, 56.2, Div. III.2
-- -- plenary session Div. III.1
-- -- Tokyo 14.N.1.fn.
-- code of nomenclature for cultivated plants Pre.8, 28.N.1, H.3.,N.2, H.4.N.1
-- code of nomenclature of bacteria Pre.7.fn., Prin.I., 14.4.fn., 54.N.1
-- code of zoological nomenclature Prin.I., 14.4.fn., 45.Ex.4-7+Ex.4.fn.
-- Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants Pre.8
-- Union of Biological Sciences Div. III.1.fn.
Invalid, see Name, not validly published
Isosyntype 9.9
Isotype 9.3+9
Kingdom (regnum), rank 3.1
Later homonym, see Homonym
Latin, and latinization, accepted usage 60E
-- -- geographical names 23A.1-2, 60.7, 60D
-- -- personal names 23A.1-2, 60.7, 60C.-21
-- -- vernacular names 60.7, 60F, 62.3
-- description or diagnosis 36, 36A
-- termination 32.6, 60B, 60C.1
-- transliteration to, see Romanization
-- word elements 60G
Lectotype (see also Designation of type) 9.2, 10.N.1
-- -- effective, requirements 7.10-11, 9.14.
-- -- first to be followed 9.13.
-- destroyed 9.11
-- identification ambiguous 9.7
-- illustration 8.3, 8A.1, 9.2+14.
-- inclusion, in named taxon 26.2, 37.2, 52.2(b)+N.1-2
-- location to be specified 9.14.
-- names of fossil species 9A.6
-- precedence over neotype 9.9
-- preserving current usage 9A.5
-- previously designated 9.11, 26.2, 52.2(b)
-- previously published species name 37.2
-- supersedable 9.13.
-- supporting epitype 9.7
Legitimate name 6.3, 51, 52.3+N.1-3
-- by conservation 14.1
-- epithet under illegitimate or rejected name 55.1-3
-- maintenance 51
-- nothotaxon H.4.1
Letters, foreign to classical Latin 60.4, 60B.1, 60C.1
-- initial 20.1, 21.2, 60.3, 60F
-- used interchangeably 60.5
Lichen-forming fungi 13.1(d)
Ligatures 60.4+6
Limitation of priority, see under Priority
Linnaean symbols 23.3, 60.Ex.14.
Lyophilization 8.Ex.1
Mail vote Div. III.4
Male symbol H.2A.1
-- notes 9A.3
Mechanical methods of typification 9A.2, 10.5(b)
Microfilm 29
mihi, as author citation 46D
Misapplied name 7.4, 33.N.2, 48.N.1, 50D, 57, 59.3
Misplaced term 33.5
Modification of Code Pre.6, Div. III
-- Appendix II-III 14.12-14, 14.A
-- Appendix IV 56.2
Monotypic genus 42.1-2
Morph, see Fungi, pleomorphic
Morphology, technical term 20.2
Multiplication sign H.1-2, H.3.1+4, H.3A
Musci, starting point 13.1(b)
Mythical persons 60F
Name (see also Adjective, Author, Nomenclature, Personal name Substantive) 6.6, 12
-- alternative 34.2+N.1
-- -- of family 10.6, 11.1, 18.5-6
-- -- of subfamily 10.6, 11.1, 19.7
-- avowed substitute 7.3, 33.2
-- based on generic name 7.1, 10.7, 16.1-2, 17.1+3, 18.1+3, 19.5
-- class or subclass 16.1-2, 16.A.3
-- compound 60G
-- confused 57
-- confusingly similar 53.3-4, 61.5
-- conserved, see Conservation
-- contrary to rules Pre.4, Pre.9
-- correct 6.5, 11, 14.5-7, 15.3-5, 59.1, H.4
-- current usage 57
-- derived, from Greek 60A
-- -- from person's name 60B
-- etymology 60I
-- euphony Pre.1
-- fancy 28.N.2
-- -- termed order 18.2
-- first syllable 60.3
-- illegitimate, see Illegitimate
-- initial letter 20.1, 21.2, 60.3
-- misapplied 7.4, 33.N.2, 48.N.1, 50D, 57, 59.3
-- new, in modern language works 45A
-- not to be adopted 32C.1
-- not validly published 32.8, 33.1-2+4-5, 34.1-2, 35.1, 43, App.V
-- of division or phylum 16.1-2+N.1, 16.A.1
-- of form-taxon 3.4, 7.9, 11.1, 59.3+5
-- of genus 10.1-5, 20, 20A, 21B.3
-- of hybrid, see Hybrid
-- of infraspecific taxon 8-9, 24, 24B, 25-26, 26A, 27
-- of order or suborder 17.1-3, 17.A, 18.2, 19.2
-- of subdivision, of family 10.6, 19, 19A
-- -- of genus 10.1-2+5, 21, 21A-B, 22, 22A
-- -- subphylum) 16.1-2, 16.A.2
-- of subfamily, termed suborder 19.2
-- of suprafamilial taxon 10.7, 11.9, 16.1+N.2, 16.B
-- of taxon of lower rank than variety 26A.2
-- orthography, errors 23.7, 45.3, 50F, 60.1+3+8-11, 61.1+N.1
-- -- variants 61
-- rank, see Rank
-- reasons for change Pre.9
-- regularity Pre.1
-- rejected, see Rejection
-- spelling 13.4, 14.11, 45.3, 50F, 60, 60A-J, 61
-- stability Pre.1, 14.2, 56.1
-- superfluous 52.1+3
-- type, see Type
-- useless creation Pre.1
-- with question mark 34.1, 52.N.1
-- words, not generic names 20.4
Natural order (ordo naturalis) 18.2
nec, in homonym citation 50C
Neotype 9.6
-- -- effective, requirements 7.10-11, 9.14
-- -- first to be followed 9.13
-- identification ambigous 9.7
-- illustration 8.3, 8A.1, 9.6+14.
-- inclusion, in named taxon 26.2, 52.2(b)+N.1-2
-- location to be specified 9.14.
-- precedence of lectotype 9.9
-- preserving usage 9.11
-- previously designated 9.7, 26.2, 52.2(b)
-- supersedable 9.12-13.
-- supporting epitype 9.7
New combination 33.1-3
-- authorship 46.4
-- basionym citation 33.2-4, 33A
-- type 7.4
-- valid publication 33.1-4
Newspaper, non-scientific 30.3
Nixus, instead of order 17.2
nobis, as author citation 46D
Nomen conservandum (see also Conservation) 14., 14.A, 50E.1, App.II-III
Nomen novum 7.3
-- authorship 46.4
-- replacing illegitimate name 58.1+3
-- type 7.3
-- valid publication 33.2+N.2
Nomen nudum 50B
Nomen rejiciendum, see Rejected name
Nomen specificum legitimum 23.6
Nomen triviale 23.7
Nomen utique rejiciendum 56, App.IV
Nomenclatural synonym 14.4, App.IIIA-B
Nomenclatural type, see Type
Nomenclature, botanical Pre.1-2+4
-- contrary to rules Pre.9
-- -- disadvantageous change 14.1, 56.1
-- -- independence Prin.I
-- -- principles Prin.I-VI
-- -- stability 14.2
-- Committees 14.12, 14.A, 32.8, 32F.1, 53.4, 56.2, Div. III.2
-- Section Div. III.1-3+4(b)
-- -- officers Div. III.3
-- -- voting Div. III.4(b)
non, in homonym citation 50C
Non-algal taxon, originally assigned to non-plant group 45.5
Non-fossil, see Fossil
Non-vascular plant, figure 42.3, 44.2
-- type of name 8.1
Nostocaceae, starting point 13.1(e)
"notho-", etymology H.1.,fn.
Nothogenus 3.2
-- name, see Condensed formula
Nothomorph H.12.2+fn.
Nothospecies 3.2
-- epithet H.3.3
-- from different genera H.11.1
-- name H.11.1
Nothotaxon (see also Hybrid) H.3.1
-- circumscription H.4.1
-- name (see also Condensed formula) Pre.8, 28.2, 40, H.1-12
-- -- author citation 50
-- -- correct H.4-5, H.8, H.11-12
-- -- legitimate 52.N.3
-- -- validly published 32.1(c), 37.1, 40, H.9, H.10.1(a)+3, H.12.2
-- parental taxa 52.N.3, H.2, H.2A, H.3.2, H.4-5, H.5A, H.6.2+4, H.8-9, H.10.3+N.1, H.10A, H.11, H.12.1+N.1
-- rank (see also Nothospecies, Nothogenus, Nothomorph) 3.2, 4.4, 40, 50, H.1, H.3.1, H.4-5, H.12
-- -- appropriate H.5.1-2
-- -- inappropriate H.5.N.1
-- -- infraspecific 4.4, H.3.1, H.4.N.1, H.10, H.10A-B, H.11.2, H.12
-- -- subdivision of genus H.7, H.9
Noun, se Substantive
Objective synonym 14.4.fn.
Oedogoniaceae, starting point 13.1(e)
Opus utique oppressum 32.8, App.V
Order (ordo), name 16.1-2, 17.1, 17.A
-- rank 3.1
-- -- intended as family 18.2
-- -- termed otherwise 17.2
-- relative, of ranks 5, 33.5
Organisms treated as plants Pre.7
Original material 9.7.fn.
-- identification ambiguous 9.7
-- not extant 9.9
-- rediscovered 9.13.
-- indication of 50F
-- retention 60.1, 60B.1(d), 60C.3, 60E, 61.1
-- standardization 60.5-6+8-11, 60H
-- variant 61.3
Orthography 60-61
-- conservation 14.11
-- correction 23.7, 45.3, 60.1+3+5-6+8-11, 60c.1, 60G.1(b), 60H, 61.1
-- error 23.7, 60.1+8-11, 60G.1(b), 61.1
-- Linnaean, generic names 13.4
-- -- phrase-like epithets 23.7
-- standardization 60.5-6+8-11, 60H
-- variants 61.2
-- -- confusingly similar 61.5
-- -- correction 61.4
-- -- in original publication 61.3
-- -- not validly published 61.1
Page reference 33.N.1
Pagination 45C
Parasite 4.N.3
Paratype 9.5
Parentage, see Nothotaxon, parental taxa
Particles, in personal names 46A.1, 60C.4
Patronymic prefix 60C.4(a-b)
Periodical, date 45C
-- popular 30A
-- separates 31.2, 45C
Person, mythical 60F
Personal name (see also Author), anagram 60.N.1
-- diacritical signs 60B.1
-- Greek or Latin 60C.2
-- in generic name 20A.1(i), 60B
-- in nothogeneric name H.6.3-4, H.6A
-- intentional latinization 60.7
-- romanization 46B
-- well-established latinized form 60C.2
Phrase name 23.6-7
Phylum, see Division
Plants (see also Cultivated and Fossil) Pre.7
-- not originally so treated 45.5
Pleomorphic fungi, see Fungi, pleomorphic
Pleonasm 23A.3(e)
Polyploid H.3.Ex.3
Popular periodicals 30A
-- anticipation 34.1(b)
Prefix (see also Word elements) 16.A.2
-- in personal name 60B.N.1, 60C.4
-- sub- 4.1
Preservation (see also Deposited material) 7A, 8.3
President, International Association for Plant Taxonomy Div. III.2(1)
-- Nomenclature Section Div. III.3(1)
Pre-starting-point, author 46.5
-- publication 32A
Previous editions of the Code Pre.11
Principles Pre.2, Prin.I-VI
Printed matter (see also Publication), accompanying exsiccata 30.4+N.1
-- delivery to carrier 31A
-- ephemeral 30A
-- of autonyms 11.6
-- of choice 11.5+N.1, 53.6, 61.3, 62.3
-- of designation of type 7.10, 9.13., 10.5
-- of names 11, 16.B
-- -- anamorphs 59.4
-- -- fossil vs. non-fossil 11.7
-- -- higher taxa 11.9, 16.N.1, 16.B
-- -- holomorphs 59.4
-- -- hybrids 11.8
-- -- legitimate 45.3
-- -- limitation 11.2-4+6-7, 13.-15., 59.4
-- -- -- to rank 11.2
-- -- unaffected by, date of conservation 14.N.3
-- -- -- date of sanctioning 15.N.1
-- -- unranked taxa 35.2
-- principle Prin.III
Prokaryots Pre.7.fn.
Pronunciation, difficult in Latin 20A.1
Proposal, to amend Code Div. III.4
-- to conserve name 14.12+14, 14.A
-- to reject name 14.14, 14.A, 56.1-2
-- to suppress work 32.8-9
Protologue 9.4.fn.
-- conflict with 9.13.(b), 9A.3, 10.5(a)
-- generic 10.2+4
-- guide in lectotypification 9A.2
-- page reference 33.N.1
Provisional name 23.Ex.8, 34.1
Pseudocompound 60G.1
Pteridophyta, Committee for Div. III.2
-- starting point 13.1(a)
Public meeting 29
Publication (see also Simultaneous) 35.4, 46.6
-- abstracting journals 30A
-- date 31, 31A, 45
-- effective, see Effective publication
-- ephemeral printed matter 30A
-- in parts 35.4, 45B
-- indelible autograph 30.1
-- independently of exsiccata 30.N.1
-- non-scientific newspaper 30.3
-- popular periodical 30A
-- printed herbarium labels 30.4
-- seed-exchange list 30.3
-- separates 31.2, 45C
-- trade catalogue 30.3
-- valid, see Valid publication
Agosti, Re Bot. Tract. (1770) App.V
Aiton, Hort. Kew. (1789) 46.Ex.21
Bornet & Flahault, Rév. Nostoc. Hét. (1886-1888) 13.1(e)
Britton & Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S. (1896-1898) 46.Ex.20
-- & -- Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed.2 (1913) 10.Ex.6, 46.Ex.20
Brummitt & Powell, Auth. Pl. Names (1992) 46A.N.3
Buc'hoz, Dict. Univ. Pl. France (1770-1771) App.V
-- Tournefortius Lothar. (1764) App.V
-- Traité Hist. Pl. Lorraine (1762-1770) App.V
Don, see Sweet
Donati, Ausz. Natur-Gesch. Adriat. Meer. (1753) App.V
Ehrhart, J. B., Oecon. Pflanzenhist. (1753-1762) App.V
Ehrhart, J. F., "Index phytophylacii ehrhartiani" (1789) App.V
-- Phytophylacium Ehrhart. (1780-1785) App.V
Feuillée, Beschr. Arzen. Pfl. (1756-1757; ed. 2, 1766) App.V
Forsskål, Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. (1775) 23.Ex.6+8+10, 43.Ex.1
Fries, E. M., Elench. Fung. (1728) 13.1(d)
-- Syst. Mycol. (1821-1832) 13.1(d), 33.6
Fries, T. M., Lich. Arct. (1861) 31.Ex.2
Gandoger, Fl. Eur. (1883-1891) App.V
Garsault, Descr. Vertus Pl. (1764-1767) App.V
-- Expl. Abr. Pl. (1765) App.V
-- Fig. Pl. Méd. (1764) App.V
Gilibert, Exerc. Bot. (1782) App.V
-- Exerc. Phyt. (1792) App.V
-- Fl. Lit. Inch. (1782) App.V
-- Syst. Pl. Eur. (1785-1787) App.V
Gleditsch, Obs. Pneumonanthe (1753) App.V
Gomont, Monogr. Oscill. (1892) 13.1(e), 46.Ex.19
Guettard, Ve Mém. Glandes Pl. (1715) App.V
Haller, Enum. Pl. Gotting.(1753) App.V
Hedwig, Sp. Musc. Frond. (1801) 13.1(b)
Heister, Descr. Nov. Gen. (1753) App.V
Hill, Brit. Herb. (1756-1757) App.V
-- [entries in] New Dict. Arts Sci. (1753-1754) App.V
-- [entries in] Suppl. Chambers's Cyclopaedia (1753) App.V
-- Useful Fam. Herb. (1754, etc.) App.V
Hirn, Monogr. Oedogon. (1900) 13.1(e)
Krocker, Fl. Siles., (1787) 23.Ex.6
Kummer, Führer Pilzk. (1871) 32.Ex.8
Léveillé, Fl. Kouy-Tchéou (1914-1915) 30.Ex.2
Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad., 4 (1759) 45.Ex.1
-- Fl. Monsp. (1756) 45.Ex.1
-- Gen. Pl., ed.5 (1754) 13.4
-- Herb. Amboin. (1754) 34.Ex.2
-- Sp. Pl. (1753) 13.1(a+c-e,)+4-5, 33.Ex.1, 41.N.
-- Sp. Pl., ed.2 (1762-1763) 13.4, 41.N.1
Lundell & Nannfeldt, Fung. Exs. Suec. (1934-1947) 30.Ex.3
Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. (1805-1806) 30.Ex.1
Miller, Gard. Dict., ed.8 (1768) 32.Ex.8, 33.Ex.1
Necker, Elem. Bot. (1790, 17.91, 18.08) App.V
Persoon, Syn. Meth. Fung. (1801) 13.1(d)
Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. (1848) 13.1(e)
Rumphius & Burman, Herb. Amboin. Auctuar. (1755) App.V
Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde (1820) 13.1(f)
Secretan, Mycogr. Suisse (1833) App.V
Séguier, Pl. Veron. (1745-1754) 41.Ex.2
Sternberg, Vers. Fl. Vorwelt, 1 (1820) 13.1(f)
Steudel, Nomencl. Bot. (1821-1824) 33.Ex.1
Stickman, see Linnaeus (1754)
Swartz, Prodr. (1788) 52.Ex.9
Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed.3 (1839) 32.Ex.3
Trew & al., Herb. Blackwell. (1747-1773) App.V
Walter, Fl. Carol. (1788) 20.Ex.8
Webb & Heldreich, Cat. Pl. Hisp. (1850) 30.Ex.1
Willdenow, Sp. Pl. (1797-1803) 31.Ex.1
Publishing author, see Author
Purpose of giving a name Pre.1
Quotation marks 50F
Radix, not a generic name 20.Ex.5
Rank Pre.1, Prin.IV, 2-5, 6.5, 11.1
-- alteration, author citation 49.1
-- anticipation 34.1(b)
-- appropriate, for hybrid H.5
-- basic 2
-- -- prefix sub- 4.2
-- further intercalated 4.3
-- hierarchy 2
-- inappropriate, for hybrid H.5.N.1
-- indication 21.1, 21A, 24.1, 35.4
-- not indicated 35.1-3,
-- nothotaxon 3.2, 4.4, 50, H.1.,1, H.3.1, H.5, H.12
-- particular Prin.IV
-- principal 3.1-2
-- priority outside 11.2
-- relative order 5, 33.5-6
-- secondary 4.1
-- simultaneous different 34.2
-- single infraspecic 35.3
-- term denoting 3.1, 4.1-2, 21.1, 24.1
-- -- misplaced 33.5-6
Rapporteur-général Div. III.2(1+8)+3(3)
Recommendations, in the Code Pre.3+5
Recorder, Nomenclature Section Div. III.3(2)
Reference, page 33.2+N.1
-- to previous description or diagnosis 32.1(c)+4-5, 32A, 36, 41
-- -- direct or indirect 32.1(c)+4-5, 41
-- -- full and direct 32.4, 33.2+4, 45.1
-- to previous illustration 38-39
Registration 32.2
-- requirement for valid publication 32.1
-- re-submission 45.2
Regnum, see Kingdom
Reihe, instead of order 17.2
Rejected name, combination based on 14.4
Rejection, of name 56, App.IV
-- -- against conserved name 14.4+6-7+10
-- -- as illegitimate 45.4, 52-54, 58
-- -- authorized pending decision 14.14
-- -- disallowed 51
-- -- not affecting legitimacy 14.10
-- -- overriding sanctioning 15.6
-- -- proposal 14.14, 14.A, 56.1-2
-- of proposal 57
Relative order of ranks 5, 33.5-6
Replaced synonym 33.2+N.2, 58.1+3
Restoration, of rejected name 14.6-7
Retention of name authorized 14.14
Retroactivity of rules Prin.VI
Romanization of author names 46B.2
-- of Greek 60A
Rules, absence or doubt Pre.10
-- in the Code Pre.3+4
-- retroactivity Prin.VI
-- competing names 15.3-4
-- date not affecting priority 15.N.1
-- homonym 15.1-2+N.1, 53.1-2, 55.3
-- -- earlier not illegitimate 15.2
-- illegitimate name 6.4, 52.1
-- indication by author citation 50E.2
-- overridden by conservation or rejection 15.6
-- typification of names 7.5+8
-- works 13.1(d)
Scale of figure 32D.3
Scientific plant names in Latin Pre.1, Prin.V
Secretary, International Association for Plant Taxonomy Div. III.2
Section (sectio) (see also Subdivision of genus) 4.1, 21.1
-- change in rank 21B.3
-- epithet, from personal name 60B
-- -- preferably a substantive 21B.1
-- -- same as for subgenus 22A
Seed-exchange list 30.3
Selection of type, see Designation and Lectotype
Separates 31.2, 45C
Series (see also Subdivision of genus) 4.1, 21.1
-- epithet, a plural adjective 21B.1
Sex, of persons 60.N.3, 60C.1(a-b)
Sexual symbols H.2A.1
Signs, see Symbols
Simultaneous publication (see also Priority of choice) 11.5-6, 13.1(e)+5, 34.2+N.1, 53.6, 59.N.1, 61.3
Small herbaceous plants, type 8.1
Special form (forma specialis) 14.N.3
Species (see also Nothospecies) 3.1-2, 23, 23A
-- epithet (see also Epithet) 6.7, 23.1-2, 23A
-- -- adjectival 23.5, 60C.1(c-d), 60D
-- -- etymology 60I
-- -- form 23.1-3+5, 23A, 60.8-11, 60C-H
-- -- grammatical agreement 23.5, 32.6, 60.11, 60C.1
-- -- inadmissible 23.4+6, 58.2
-- -- initial letter 60F
-- -- Linnaean 23.3+7-8
-- -- spelling, see Orthography
-- -- termination 23.5, 23A.2(a), 32.6, 60.11, 60C.1-2, 60D
-- -- to adopt 23A.1&3(a)
-- -- to avoid 23A.2+3(b-j), 60C.2
-- -- two or more words 23.1
-- -- under illegitimate generic name 55.1
-- -- with apostrophe 60.10, 60C.4(a-c)
-- -- with hyphen 23.1, 60.9, 60G.N.1
-- -- with symbol 23.3
-- holomorphic 59.1-2+N.1, 59A
-- name 23
-- -- conserved 10.N.2, 14.1+4+N.2
-- -- equivalent to type 10.1
-- -- illegitimate 52, 53.1, 55.2
-- -- legitimate 55.1
-- -- not regarded as such 23.6
-- -- type 8-9, 8A-9B, 10.N.2, 37.3-5, 37A
-- -- -- typifying name of supraspecific taxon 10.1-4+6, 22.5-6
-- -- valid publication 23.3-7, 32.1(d), 33.1-4, 37.3-5, 41.3, 42, App.V
-- raised infraspecific taxon 24B.2
-- rank 2, 3.1-2
-- tautonym 23.4
-- unitary designation 20.4
Specimen (see also Collection and Type) 8, 8A
-- cited in protologue 9.4
-- illustrated 8A.1, 32D.2, 39A
-- impossible to preserve 8A.2
-- reference to detail 37.3
Spelling, see Original spelling, Orthography
Spermatophyta, Committee for Div. III.2
-- starting point 13.1(a)
Sphagnaceae, starting point 13.1(b-c)
Spina, not a generic name 20.Ex.5
Spiritus asper 60A.2
"St. " in epithets 60C.4(d)
Stability of names Pre.1, 14.1-2. 56.1
Standard species 7.Ex.7
Starting points, nomenclatural 13.1
-- -- taxonomic position of type 13.2
-- -- valid publication of names 13.1, 32.1(a)
Status, hybrid vs. non-hybrid 50
-- of name 6.1-6, 12
Stem augmentation (see also Word elements) 60C.1(b)
Stratigraphic relations 13.3
sub-, in rank designation 4.1
Subclass (subclassis), name 16.1, 16.A.3
-- rank 4.2
Subdivision of family 4.N.1
-- including type of family name 19.4
-- -- illegitimate 19.5
-- -- termination 19.1+3+6, 19.A.1, 32.6
-- -- type 10.6
-- -- valid publication 19.5, 32.1, 41.1
Subdivision of genus 4.N.1
-- autonyms 22.1-4+N.1
-- change in rank 21B.3
-- -- capital initial letter 21.2
-- -- condensed formula H.7.1, H.8.1
-- -- etymology 60I
-- -- from constituent species 22.5
-- -- grammatical agreement 21.2
-- -- inadmissible 21.3
-- -- parenthetical, in species name 21A
-- -- same in different ranks 22A
-- -- to adopt 21B.1+3, 22A, 60B
-- -- to avoid 21B.2
-- -- under illegitimate generic name 55.1
-- hybrid 40.N.1, H.7, H.8.1, H.9
-- name 21.1
-- -- illegitimate 21.N.1, 53.5
-- -- legitimate 55.1
-- -- type 10.1-3+5+N.1, 22.5, 22A
-- -- valid publication 32.1, 33.1, 41.2, H.9
-- nomenclaturally typical 10A, 22.1-2
Subdivision (subdivisio) or subphylum, name 16.1, 16.A.2
-- rank 4.2
Subfamily (subfamilia) (see also Subdivision of family), name 19.1
-- rank 4.2
-- -- termed suborder 19.2
Subforma (see also Infraspecific taxon) 4.2
Subfossil type 11.7
Subgenus (see also Subdivision of genus), change in rank 21B.3
-- epithet, preferably substantive 21B.1
-- -- from personal name 60B
-- -- same in different ranks 22A
Subjective synonym 14.4.fn.
Suborder (subordo), name 16.1, 17.1
-- -- improper Latin terminatin 17.3, 32.6
-- rank 4.2
-- -- intended as subfamily 19.2
Subphylum, see Subdivision
Subregnum 4.2
Subsection (subsectio) (see also Subdivision of genus) 4.2
-- epithet a plural adjective 21B.1
Subseries (see also Subdivison of genus) 4.2
-- epithet a plural adjective 21B.1
Subspecies (see also Infraspecific taxon) 4.2
-- epithet, same in varietal rank 26A.1-2
-- -- maintenance in infravarietal ranks 26A.3
Substantive (see also Gender), as epithet 21.2, 21B.1-2, 23.1+6,(a), 60.N.3
-- -- genitive 23A.1-2, 60C.1(a-b)
-- as name 20.1
-- -- plural adjective 18.1, 19.1
Subtribe (subtribus) (see also Subdivision of family), name 19.3
-- rank 4.2
Subvariety (subvarietas) (see also Infraspecific taxon) 4.2
Suffix, see Word elements
Sum of subordinate taxa 25
Superfluous name 52.1
-- basionym legitimate 52.3
-- illegitimate 52.1
-- not illegitimate 52.3+N.1-2
Supplementary ranks 4.3
Suppressed works 32.8, App.V
-- approval by General Committee 32.9
-- proposal under study 32F.1
Symbols (see also Multiplication sign) 23.3
-- male H.2A.1
Synonym, citation as 34.1, 50A
-- name- or epithet-bringing 33.2
-- nomenclatural 14.4, App.IIIA-B
-- objective 14.4.fn.
-- regardless of multiplication sign H.3.4
-- regardless of prefix "notho-" H.3.4
-- replaced 33.2
-- subjective 14.4.fn.
-- taxonomic 14.4, 53.N.1, App.IIIA-B
-- designated as lectotype 9.9
-- duplicate 9.8
-- inclusion of all 52.2
Taxon (taxa) Pre.1, Prin.I-V, 1.1
-- change in rank 19A, 21B.3, 49, 24B.2
-- not treates as plants Prin.I, 32.N.1, 45.5, 54
-- one correct name Prin.IV, 11.1
-- parental, see under Hybrid
-- treated as plants Pre.7, Prin.I, 45.5, 54
-- unranked 35.1-2
Taxonomic, group, see Taxon
-- position, see Position
-- rank, see Rank
-- synonym 14.4, 53.N.1, App. IIIA-B
Technical term, morphology 20.2
Teleomorph 59.1
-- diagnosis or description 59.2
Termination (see also Word elements) 16.2, 16.A, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1+3, 19A.1, 20A.1(a), 60.11, 60B-D, H.6.3-4, H.6A, H.8.2
-- contrary to rules 60.11
-- correction when improper 16.A.4, 17.3, 18.4, 19.6, 60.7+11
-- epithet from geographical name 60D
-- -- from personal name 60.11, 60B-C
-- incorrect but name validly published 32.6
-- Latin if possible 20A.1
Ternary name 24.1
Tetraploid H.3.Ex.3
Tokyo Congress 14.N.1.fn.
Trade catalogue 30.3
Tradition, botanical 62.1+2(b-c)+N.1
-- classical 60A.1-2, 60C.2, 60E, 60G.1
Transcriptions (etc.):
ae, for ä, æ, è, é, or ê 60.6
ao, for å 60.6
e, for è, é, or ê 60.6
h, for spiritus asper 60A.1
i & j used interchangeably 60.1, 60.5
k, permissible in Latin plant names 60.4
letters 60.5
letters foreign to classical Latin 60.4, 60C.3
Linnaean symbols 23.3-4
ligature 60.4
n, for ñ 60.6
spiritus asper 60A.2
ss, for ß 60.4
u & v used interchangeably 60.1, 60.5
ue, for ü 60.6
w, permissible in Latin plant names 60.4
y, permissible in Latin plant names 60.4
Transfer, hybrid/non-hybrid 50, H.10.2
-- to other genus or species 49
Transliteration to Latin, see Romanization
Tribe (tribus) (see also Subdivision of family), in Fries's Systema 33.6
-- name 19.3
-- rank 4.1
Trigeneric hybrid, name H.6.4
Type (typus) (see also Holotype, Lectotype, Neotype, etc.) Prin.II, 7-8+10
-- acceptance, by typifying author 7.11
-- automatic 7.3-6, 10.7, 16.1, 17.1, 22.5
-- collection data 8A.1-2, 37.3
-- conservation (see also Type, preservation) 10.4+N.2, 14.9, App.IIIA-B
-- correction of term 9.8
-- definite indication 7.5
-- definition 7.2
-- deposit 7A, 8B.1, 9A.4, 37.5
-- designation, see Designation
-- duplicate 9.3+fn.+9
-- equivalent in modern language 7.11, 7.Ex.7, 37.4
-- from context of description 7.7, 9.N.1
-- identification ambiguous 9.7
-- illustration 8.1+3, 8A.1-2, 9.1-2+6-7
-- inclusion, in named taxon 10.2-3, 22.1-3, 22A, 26, 26A, 37.2, 52.1-2
-- -- in other taxon 48.1
-- -- single element 37.2-3
-- indication 9.9, 22.5, 24.3. 37.1-4, 37A
-- interpretative 9.7
-- location 7A, 8B.1, 9A.4, 37.5
-- mechanical designation 9A.2, 10.5
-- missing 9.2+6+9+11
-- mis-use of term 9.8
-- more than one individual 8.1
-- more than one taxon 9.9, 9A.5
-- not always typical of taxon 7.2
-- not conspecific with original material 10.2
-- of alternative name 10.6, 18.5, 19.8
-- of autonym 7.6
-- of avowed substitute 7.3
-- of basionym 7.4
-- of condensed formula 37.1, H.9.N.1
-- of name, conserved 10.4+N.2, 14.3+8-9, 48.N.2, App.IIIA-B
-- -- erroneously applied 7.4
-- -- -- alternative 10.6, 18.5
-- -- -- included in subdivision of family 19.4
-- -- form-genus 7.9
-- -- fossil taxon 7.9, 8.4-5, 13.3
-- -- fungal anamorph 7.9+N.1, 59.3, 59A
-- -- fungal teleomorph 59.1-2, 59A
-- -- illegitimate 7.5
-- -- rejected 14.3
-- -- nothotaxon 37.1, H.9.N.1, H.10.N.1
-- -- sanctioned 7.5+8
-- -- species or infraspecific taxon 8-9, 8A-9B
-- -- subdivision, of family 7.1, 10.6
-- -- -- of genus 10.1-5+N.3, 10A, 22.5
-- -- subfamily, alternative 10.6, 19.8
-- -- suprafamilial taxon 7.1, 10.7, 16.1, 17.1
-- -- validated by reference 7.7
-- -- with later starting point 7.7
-- of new combination 7.4
-- of orthographic variants 61.2+5
-- of sanctioned name 7.8
-- original 48.1+N.2
-- preservation, impossible 8.3, 8A.2
-- -- permanent 8.1-3+Ex.1, 8B.2
-- -- place 7A, 8B.1, 9A.4, 37.5
-- previously designated 9.11, 22.2, 26.2, 52.2(b)
-- rediscovered 9.13.
-- required 37.1
-- serious conflict with protologue 9.13.(b), 10.5(a)
-- single specimen 8.1
-- standard species 7.Ex.7
-- stratigraphic relations 13.3
-- taxonomic position 13.2, 59.3, H.10.N.1
Type-scripts 29
Typification, see Designation, Lectotype, Neotype
-- principle Prin.II, 10.7
Typography 60.2
Typus, see type
Unitary designation of species 20.4
Unpublished, material 29
Unranked taxa 35.1-3
Uredinales, starting point 13.1(d)
Usage, see Custom and Tradition
-- to be followed pending decision 14.A, 32F
Ustilaginales, starting point 13.1(d)
-- pleomorphic fungi 59.1
Valid publication 6.2, 12.1, 32-45, H.9
-- advisable 45A
-- correction of orthography 45.3
-- date 45.1+3+5, 45B-C
-- -- for names of taxa not originally treated as plants 45.5
-- -- unaffected by conservation 14.N.3
-- -- unaffected by sanctioning 15.N.1
-- -- unaffected by spelling change 45.3
-- despite taxonomic doubt 34.1
-- not by mere mention of subordinate taxa 34.1(d)
-- not by reference to general indices 33.4
-- not of name, cited as synonym 34.1(c)
-- -- proposed in anticipation 34.1, H.9.N.2
-- -- provisonal 34.1(b)
-- not when misplaced term denotes rank 33.5
-- of autonym 22.3, 26.3, 32.7
-- of avowed substitute 32.2-3+N.2
-- of name, algae 36.2, 39, 45.4
-- -- alternative 34.2+N.1
-- -- genus 37.2, 41.2, 42.1+3
-- -- -- Linnaean 13.4, 41.N.1
-- -- infraspecific taxon 37.3-5, 41.3, 44.1
-- -- monotypic new genus 42
-- -- non-vascular plant 42.3
-- -- nothogenus H.9
-- -- nothospecies or lower ranked hybrid H.10.1
-- -- species 37.3, 41.3, 42.1+3, 44.1
-- -- subdivision of family 19.5, 41.1
-- -- subdivision of genus 37.2, 41.2
-- -- taxon not originally treated as plant 32.N.1, 45.5
-- of new combination 32.1-3, 35.1
-- of orthographical variant 61.1
-- -- acceptance of name 34.1(a), 45.1
-- -- association of epithet with name 33.1
-- -- citation of basionym or replaced synonym 33.2
-- -- -- despite bibliographic error 33.3
-- -- -- despite incorrect author citation 33.3
-- -- citation of type data 37.2-5, 37A
-- -- compliance with provisions onform of name 32.1(b), 32.6
-- -- date reference 33.2, 45B-C
-- -- description or diagnosis 32.1(c)+3, 41, 42.1
-- -- -- English 36.3
-- -- effective publication 32.1(a)
-- -- illustration 38-39, 39A, 41.N.2, 42.3, 44.2
-- -- -- with analysis 42.3-4, 44
-- -- indication of rank 35.1
-- -- indication of type 37, 37A
-- -- page and plate reference 33.2+N.1
-- -- reference to description or diagnosis 7.7, 32.1(c), 32A, 36, 41
-- -- -- direct or indirect 32.1(c)+4-5, 41
-- -- -- full and direct 32.4, 33.2+4, 45.1
-- -- reference to illustration 38-39
-- -- specification of type herbarium 37.5
-- -- statement of parentage H.9
-- starting points 13.1
Variant, see under Orthography
Variety (varietas) (see also Infraspecific taxon and Nothomorph) 4.1, H.12.2+fn.
-- epithet, same in subspecies rank 26A.1-2
-- -- maintenance in infravarietal ranks 26A.3
-- single infraspecific rank 35.3
Vernacular name 60.7, 60.F, 62.3,
Vice-rapporteur Div. III.3(4)
Vote, final Div. III.4(b)
-- preliminary Div. III.4(a)
Vowel, connecting 60G.1(a2)
-- transcription 60.5-6
Wild plants in cultivation 28.1
Wood, fossil 8A.3
Word, Greek or Latin 60G
-- last in compound, gender 62.2
-- not epithet or name 20.4(a), 43.N.1
-- standing independently 60.9
Word element, omitted in suprafamilial name 16.2
Word elements:
-aceae 17.1, 18.1, 19.1, 19A.1
-achne 62.2(b)
-ae 18.1, 60.11, 60C.1(a), 60G.1(a1)
-ae- 60.Ex.12
-ales 17.1
-an- 60C.1(c-d)
-ana 60C.1(c)
-anthes 62.4
-anthos, -anthus 62.2(c)
-anum 60C.1(c)
-aster (-asteris), -astrum (-astri) 61.Ex.1
-carpa, -aea, -ium, -on, -os, -um, -us 62.Ex.2
-ceras 62.2(c)
-cheilos, -chilos, -chilus 62.2(c)
-chlamys 62.2(b)
-clado- 16.2
-cocco- 16.2
-codon 60.2(a)
-daphne 62.2(b)
-dendron 62.2(c)
-e 60C.1(a)
-ea 60B.1(a)
-ensis 60D
eu- 21.3
-gaster 62.2(b)
-i 18.1, 60.11, 60C.1(a), 60G.1(a1)
-i- 60.Ex.12, 60C.1(b+d), 60G.1(a2)
-ia 60B.1(b)
-ianus, -iana, -ianum 60.11, 60C.1(d)
-iarum 60C.1(b)
-icus 60D
-idae 16.A.3(c)
-ineae 17.1
-inus 60D
-iorum 60C.1(b)
-ites 62.4
-mecon 62.2(b)
-monado- 16.2
-myces 62.2(a)
-mycetes 16.A.3(b)
-mycetidae 16.A.3(b)
-mycota 16.A.1
-mycotina 16.A.2
-n- 60C.1(c)
-nema 62.2(c)
-nemato- 16.2
-o- 60G.1(a2)
-odes 62.4
-odon 62.2(a)
-oides 62.4
-opsida 16.A.3
-orum 60C.1(a)
-osma 62.2(b)
-ou 18.1
-panax 62.2(a)
-phycidae 16.A.3(e)
-phytina 16.A.2
-pogon 62.2(a)
-rum 60C.1(a)
-sancta, sanctus 60C.4(d)
-stemon 62.2(a)
-stigma 62.2(c)
-stoma 62.2(c)
Work, see Publication
Zoological nomenclature, see International code of zoological nomenclature
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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. This page last updated Dec. 12, 1998.