Natural Substances in the Compositae: The Bohlmann FilesPeopleOriginal data: Ferdinand Bohlmann, Jasmin Jakupovic, and Christa Zdero Data input: Christa Zdero, Fotini Tsichrintzis, and Jasmin Jakupovic Botanical editing: Boris Smalla Programming, data conversion, and implementation: Andrea Hahn and Wolfgang Lipp Project concept: Walter Berendsohn and Jasmin Jakupovic Grant application and project director: Walter Berendsohn FundingThe project was funded by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the framework of the BIOLOG (Biodiversity and Global Change) programme, administered by the Projektträger DLR. |
[Bohlmann: Abstract | Introduction | Data Structure | Objectives | Results | Challenges and Solutions | Perspectives | Publications | People | Database |