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Resource Identification for a Biological Collection Information Service in Europe |
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Berendsohn, W. G. 1997: Abstract of the project proposal (March 1997). http://www.bgbm.org/biocise/TheProject/AbstractProposal.htm
Berendsohn, W. G. 1997: The BioCISE project: Resource development for a Biological Collection Information System in Europe. In: European Science Foundation, International Workshop "New Directions in Systematics". Hersonissos October 1997; Abstract Volume.
Berendsohn, W. G. 1999: Introduction to the BioCISE project (slide show). http://www.bgbm.org/biocise/Publications/BioCISE_Introduction/index.htm
Berendsohn, W. G. 2000 (ed.): Resource Identification for a Biological Collection Information Service in Europe (BioCISE). - Berlin. 76pp. http://www.bgbm.org/biocise/publications/results/
Berendsohn, W. G. 2001: Networking European Collections. Presentation. http://www.bgbm.org/biocise/publications/200106ASC/2001_Chicago_ASC_files/frame.htm
Berendsohn, W.G., Anagnostopoulos, A. Hagedorn, G., Jakupovic, J., Nimis, P.L. , Valdés, B., Güntsch, A., Pankhurst, R.J. & White, R.J. 1999 : A comprehensive reference model for biological collections. Taxon 48: 511-562. http://www.bgbm.org/biodivinf/docs/CollectionModel/
Berendsohn, W.G. & Güntsch, A. 2001: Resource Identification for a Biological Collection Information Service in Europe (BioCISE). Proceedings of the IX OPTIMA meeting, Paris, 11-17 May 1998. Bocconea 13:257-260.
Berendsohn, W.G., Güntsch, A. & Hahn, A.: BioCISE: designing a metadata access system for European biological collections. CODATA Euro-American Workshop -Management of Data, Information, and Knowledge. Paris, June 1999, Abstract Volume
BioCISE 1998: The phasing of BioCISE (poster, Adobe .pdf format).
BioCISE 1999: Workshop "Access to Biological Collection Information in Poland - a European Perspective". http://www.bgbm.org/biocise/Poland/default.htm
Güntsch, A. & Vander Velde, A. 1998 [Nov]: Collaboration of BIODIV and BioCISE , http://www.bgbm.org/biocise/TheProject/IntroCollab.htm
Güntsch, A., Hahn, A. & Berendsohn, W. G. 1999: Repräsentation der Struktur biologischer Sammlungen als Grundlage für die Schaffung eines europäischen Metainformationssystems. Workshop "Umweltdatenbanken im Web - Technologische und praktische Herausforderungen", Abstract: http://www.pz-oekosys.uni-kiel.de/akudb/GUENTSCH/metaab.pdf
Güntsch, A., Hahn, A. Fernandes, P., Thomson, N., Berendsohn, W. G. 1999: Accessing Biological Collections. The 6th ETC/CDS Symposium and Workshop on Catalogue of Data Sources and Thesaurus - "Metainformation: Target Groups and User Values". Oslo September 1999,
Poster Presentation: http://www.mu.niedersachsen.de/cds/etc-cds_neu/event/ws_oslo_99/presentation/biocise_poster.pdfHahn, A., Felinks, B., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 1999: Perspektiven eines biologischen Sammlungsinformationsservice in Europa (BioCISE) aus Sicht der Phykologie. In: Berichte des IGB, Heft 7: 8-11
Hahn, A. 1999: Perspektiven für ein europäisches Netzwerk biologischer Sammlungen und Beobachtungsdatenbanken: Das Projekt BioCISE. Österreichischer Kustodentag. Dornbirn, November 1999, Abstract: http://www.natureweb.at/kustoden.htm
The CDEFD project (Phase I of BioCISE)
BioCISE: Wissen wo's steht. FU Nachrichten 3-4/98: 44.
Meredith A. Lane: Roles of Natural History Collections
Removing the "taxonomic impediment": The Darwin Declaration
© BioCISE Secretariat. Email: biocise@, FAX: +49 (30) 841729-55
Address: Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM), Freie
Universität Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14195 Berlin, Germany