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Lichen determination keys - neotropical genera - |
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primary / fruticose
/ foliose / squamulose / foliicolous /
crustose / lichinaceae
about / literature / glossary / list
1a Thallus gelatinous when humid; photobiont Nostoc in chains,
embedded in a gelatinous layer, rarely other gelatinous photobiont genera, with scattered
cells; thallus homoiomerous, without arachnoid, alga-free medulla ---2
1b Thallus not gelatinous; photobiont green or bluegreen, when Nostoc, then in
glomerules with little jelly; thallus heteromerous, with arachnoid, alga-free medulla ---6
2a Photobiont Nostoc, with cells arranged in chains ---3
2b Photobiont different, with cells arranged in small groups or separate ---5
3a Thallus without cortex; spores transversely septate to muriform ---Collema
3b Thallus without cortex; spores simple ---Staurolemma
3c Thallus with a pseudoparenchymatic cortex of one cell layer (in microscopical
section) ---4
4a Spores transversely septate or muriform; thallus often under 0.5 mm thick ---Leptogium
4b Spores simple; thallus over 0.5 mm thick ---Physma
5a Thallus attached by central holdfast (umbilicus); on rock (provisionally
treated group; other genera may key out here) ---Thyrea
5b Thallus attached by various spots of its lower surface; over terricolous mosses ---Omphalina
6a (1) Thallus attached by central holdfast
(umbilicus); on rock ---7
6b Thallus attached not by umbilicus, but by rhizines or otherwise, attachment
points spread all over the underside; on various substrates ---9
7a Thallus surface bright yellow ---Placomaronea
7b Thallus surface grey to brown or dark brown ---8
8a Perithecia present, immersed in the thallus, producing simple, hyaline
ascospores ---Dermatocarpon
8b Apothecia present or no ascocarps present ---Umbilicaria
9a Thallus surface yellow to orange, K+ dark violet or K- ---10
9b Thallus surface dark brown or grey to greenish- or yellowish grey, K- or K+
yellowish ---15
10a Thallus surface yellow, K-; ascospores simple ---11
10b Thallus surface yellow to orange, K+ dark violet; ascospores polarilocular ---13
11a Thallus lobes rounded with concentric ridges; algae bluegreen ---Coccocarpia
11b Thallus lobes elongate or much divided, without concentric ridges; algae green ---12
12a Thallus lobes hardly over 1 mm wide ---Candelaria
12b Thallus lobes usually over 1 mm wide ---Pseudoparmelia
13a Ascospores bilocular ---14
13b Ascospores tetralocular ---Teloschistes
14a Upper and lower cortex paraplectenchymatic, with rounded lumina much wider
than walls ---Xanthoria
14b Upper and lower cortex prosoplectenchymatic, with elongate lumina not wider
than walls ---Josefpoeltia
14c Upper cortex paraplectenchymatic, lower cortex prosoplectenchymatic ---Xanthomendoza
15a (9) Lower side smooth, with cortex, with
or without rhizines ---16
15b Lower side more or less tomentose, with or without cortex, with or without
rhizines ---70
16a Upper surface of lobes with white, rounded or elongate pseudocyphellae ---17
16b Upper surface of lobes without pseudocyphellae ---20
17a Thallus yellowish to greenish grey, with usnic acid in the cortex ---Flavopunctelia
17b Thallus whitish grey, with atranorin in the cortex ---18
18a Pseudocyphellae elongate, more or less connected in a reticulate pattern (if
pseudocyphellae producing soredia or isidia, see Parmelia)
18b Pseudocyphellae rounded, without reticulate pattern ---19
19a Lobes ascending, usually over 1 cm wide; lower side black ---Cetrelia
19b Lobes appressed to substrate, under 1 cm wide; lower side often white,
sometimes black ---Punctelia
20a Cilia present on the lobe margins; rhizines present or
absent on lower side ---21
20b Cilia absent from the margins; rhizines present or absent on lower side ---34
21a Cilia with inflated base ---22
21b Cilia without inflated base ---23
22a Upper side of thallus yellowish green; usnic acid present ---Relicina
22b Upper side of thallus whitish grey; atranorin present ---Bulbothrix
23a Marginal rhizines or cilia white or grey, sometimes black, but then usually
with perpendicular side branchlets, felty; ascospores one-septate, dark ---Heterodermia
23b Marginal rhizines or cilia black, mostly unbranched; ascospores simple,
colourless ---24
24a Rhizines one or more times dichotomously branched ---Hypotrachyna
24b Rhizines unbranched, sometimes partly irregularly branched, or absent ---25
25a Thallus lobes linear, with parallel margins, more or less dichotomously
branched ---26
25b Thallus lobes elongate, with irregularly bent margins, irregularly branched ---28
26a Lower side brown, without rhizines; terricolous lichen with upright lobes ---Cetraria
26b Lower side black, with or without rhizines; predominantly epiphytic with
spreading lobes ---27
27a Lobes regularly dichotomously branched; apothecia concave when young ---Everniastrum
27b Lobes irregularly branched; apothecia flat to convex when young ---Cetrariastrum
28a Thallus lobes elongate, mostly under 2 mm wide, flattened ---29
28b Thallus lobes short and wide, mostly over 5 mm wide, often ascending ---31
29a Cilia robust, tapering; upper surface white-maculate ---Canomaculina
29b Cilia slender, not tapering; upper surface uniformly grey ---30
30a Medulla yellow to orange ---Myelochroa
30b Medulla white ---Parmelinopsis
31a Underside near lobe tips without rhizines, naked in a several mm wide zone ---Parmotrema
31b Underside rhizinate to the margin ---32
32a Lobe tips appressed to substratum; rhizines of uniform length, shorter
towards the lobe tips ---Parmotremopsis
32b Lobe tips ascending; rhizines of variable length, often dimorphic ---33
33a Underside near margin brown, with scattered rhizines of variable length ---Rimelia
33b Underside near margin pale, with dense, short rhizines mixed with scattered
longer ones ---Rimeliella
34a (20) Rhizines completely absent ---35
34b Rhizines present, frequent or scattered ---41
35a Thallus lobes hollow, with cavity between medulla and black lower cortex;
above 3000 m ---36
35b Thallus lobes compact; at various elevations ---37
36a Thallus with perforations on upper side ---Menegazzia
36b Thallus without perforations on upper side ---Hypogymnia
37a Thallus lobes erect, attached only near base; lower side often white near
the tips, black lower down; epiphytic ---Pseudevernia
37b Thallus appressed to substrate; lower side black; epiphytic or epilithic ---38
38a Upper side yellowish or greenish grey, with usnic acid; ascospores
hyaline, simple; epilithic at high
altitude ---Psiloparmelia
38b Upper side pale to dark grey, without usnic acid; ascospores grey,
1-3-septate; widespread ---39
39a Thallus K+ yellow (cortex containing atranorin); apothecia with dark hypothecium; thallus lobes elongate and laterally
confluent ---Dirinaria
39b Thallus K- (cortex lacking atranorin); apothecia with pale hypothecium; thallus lobes not laterally confluent ---Hyperphyscia
41a (34) Thallus pale yellowish on both
sides; lower side with pseudocyphellae; rhizines scarce ---Cetraria
41b Thallus not pale yellowish on both sides; lower side without pseudocyphellae ---42
42a Rhizines absent from a wide marginal zone, usually scarce and restricted to
small patches; thallus lobes wide, often over 10 mm wide ---Parmotrema
42b Rhizines present till (close to the) lobe margins, regularly spread all over
the surface; thallus lobes usually up to 2 mm wide, rather narrow and deeply dissected ---43
43a Rhizines frequently dichotomously branched ---Hypotrachyna
43b Rhizines mostly unbranched or a few times irregularly branched ---44
44a Apothecia completely black, without grey thalline margin when well developed
44b Apothecia with grey thalline margin ---45
45a Ascospores one-septate, grey to brown; thallus closely appressed to the
substrate (except Heterodermia with pale lower side); lower side whitish or black ---46
45b Ascospores simple, hyaline; thallus mostly loosely appressed to the substrate;
lower side brown to black ---49
46a Thallus more or less ascendant; cortex prosoplectenchymatic, composed of longitudinally arranged
hyphae; upper surface faintly longitudinally striate ---Heterodermia
46b Thallus flattened; cortex paraplectenchymatic, or
prosoplectenchymatic but then hyphae not longitudinally arranged; upper surface
not striate ---47
47a Apothecia with dark hypothecium; thallus closely applicated to
substrate, with adjoined lobes almost forming a crust, usually with divaricatic acid,
difficult to separate from substrate and lower side thus difficult to observe ---Dirinaria
47b Apothecia with pale hypothecium; thallus less closely applicated to
substrate and clearly foliose, without divaricatic acid, more easily separable
from substrate and therefore lower side easily observable ---48
48a Upper surface pale grey, K+ yellow; medulla always white ---Physcia
48b Upper surface dark grey, K-negative; medulla sometimes orange-red ---Phaeophyscia
49a Thallus upper surface whitish grey, with atranorin, usually without usnic
acid ---50
49b Thallus upper surface yellowish- to greenish grey, with usnic acid, without
atranorin ---53
50a Lower surface pale brown to brown; ascospores less than 10 µm long ---51
50b Lower surface dark brown to black; ascospores over 10 µm long ---52
51a Thallus closely appressed to rock ---Paraparmelia
51b Thallus loosely appressed to bark, rarely on rock ---Pseudoparmelia
52a Pycnoconidia more or less bifusiform, to c. 8 µm long; below 3000 m ---Canoparmelia
52b Pycnoconidia curved, 10-20 µm long; above 3000 m ---Parmeliopsis
53a Thallus lobes with rounded tips, over 2 mm wide, flat to concave; epiphytic
or on mossy rock ---Flavoparmelia
53b Thallus lobes with slightly incised tips, often under 2 mm wide, flat to
convex; saxicolous or terricolous ---Xanthoparmelia
70a (15) Lobes with tomentose or felty lower
side, at least partly so; veins, rhizines or cilia sometimes present ---71
70b Lobes with naked, smooth lower side; veins and rhizines absent, cilia
occasionally present ---83
71a Thallus linear, with thick tomentose layer throughout on underside ---Anzia
71b Thallus irregularly lobed, with thin or interrupted tomentose layer on
underside, at least near the margins, or with felty lower side ---72
72a Thalli with usually large, over 5 mm wide lobes, mostly ascending or loosely
appressed; algae blue-green or green ---73
72b Thalli with small, rarely over 5 mm wide, lobes, usually closely appressed;
algae always blue-green; apothecia ---76
73a Small, white to yellow points without tomentum present on lower side
(cyphellae or pseudocyphellae) ---74
73b Lower side continuously tomentose, or with larger and vaguely delimited patches
without tomentum (cyphellae or pseudocyphellae absent) ---75
74a Cyphellae present: white spots on lower side with prominent, raised margin ---Sticta
74b Pseudocyphellae present: yellow spots on lower side without raised margin ---Pseudocyphellaria
75a Thallus with larger, not sharply delimited, pale, tomentum-free areas on
lower side; veins absent; maculae or pseudocyphellae absent from upper side; usually
epiphytic ---Lobaria
75b Like a; maculae or pseudocyphellae present on upper side ---Lobariella
75c Thallus continuously tomentose on lowerside; wider or narrower, vein-like,
raised bands on lower side present; usually on soil ---Peltigera
76a Upper surface tomentose; tomentum on lower side often restricted to marginal
patches; uncommon ---Erioderma
76b Upper surface glabrous; tomentum on lower side usually spread over most of the
thallus ---77
77a Lower side veined with glabrous veins and felty interspaces ---Solorina
77b Lower side with tomentum usually spread over most of the thallus ---78
78a Cortex composed of longitudinally arranged hyphae; thallus often with
concentric ridges; apothecia without thalline margin ---Coccocarpia
78b Cortex not composed of longitudinally arranged hyphae; thallus without
concentric ridges; apothecia often with thalline margin ---79
79a Thallus closely appressed to substrate, almost crustose; lobes usually to
1(-2) mm wide ---80
79b Thallus loosely appressed with ascending margins, distinctly foliose; lobes
usually over 2 mm wide ---82
80a Ascospores over 100 per ascus; photobiont cells in tetrads or single ---Phyllopeltula
80b Ascospores 8 per ascus; photobiont cells in densely winding chains ---81
81a Thallus without distinct prothallus; apothecia always with thalline margin ---Pannaria
81b Thallus with distinct, often tomentose, prothallus; apothecia with or without
thalline margin ---Parmeliella
82a Apothecia on upper surface, often absent ---Leioderma
82b Apothecia on lower side, at the tips of lobules, usually present ---Nephroma
83a (70) Thallus scarcely dissected, lobes ±
hemispherical; basidiolichen, without ascocarps ---Dictyonema
83b Thallus strongly dissected, lobes usually much longer than wide; ascolichen,
apothecia often present ---84
84a Epiphytic or among moss; cilia present ---Heterodermia
84b Terricolous at high elevations; cilia absent ---85
85a Lobes wide, c. 5 mm; apothecia immersed in the lobes, brown ---Solorina
85b Lobes narrow, c. 1 mm; apothecia stalked, pink ---Phyllobaeis
primary / fruticose
/ foliose / squamulose / foliicolous / crustose / lichinaceae
about / literature / glossary / list
© Botanischer Garten und
Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin
page editor: Harrie Sipman, last
update: 17 October 2005, imprint