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Lichen determination keys - neotropical genera - |
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Key to crustose, not foliicolous lichens
primary / fruticose
/ foliose / squamulose / foliicolous / crustose / lichinaceae
about / literature / glossary / list
1a Ascocarps present---2
1b Ascocarps absent---3
2a Apothecia present---4
2b Perithecia present---200
2c Lirellae present---251
3a Conidangia present (only a selection of common and
characteristic species treated)---330
3b Conidangia absent; usually sterile crustose lichens (only a selection of common
and characteristic species treated)---351
4a Apothecia covered by powdery, staining masses of ascospores
ripening in a layer above the asci (mazaedium); apothecia sessile or sometimes on long,
thin stalks and pin-shaped (Caliciales)---5
4b Apothecia not covered by ascospore masses, not staining, releasing ascospores
from each ascus separately, immersed or sessile, rarely stalked---19
5a Apothecia pin-shaped, with up to 2 mm long, thin stalk---6
5b Apothecia sessile---8
6a Ascospores simple, pale brown or colourless---7
6b Ascospores one-septate, dark-grey to -brown---Calicium
7a Apothecia dark brownish, but often covered by coloured pruina; ascospores
pale brown---Chaenotheca
7b Apothecia reddish brown; ascospores simple, hyaline---Sclerophora
(similar are the not properly lichenized Chaenothecopsis, Mycocalicium andSphinctrina,
key in Tibell 1996, Flora Neotr. 69)
8a Apothecia without thalline margin---9
8b Apothecia with thalline margin---10
(see also the rarely reported genera Allophoron, Cyphelium, Mazaediothecium and Tylophorella,
key in Tibell 1996, Flora Neotr. 69)
9a Apothecia with distinct proper margin, clearly delimited; ascospores ripening and colouring in the asci---Pyrgidium
9b Apothecia with distinct proper margin, clearly delimited; ascospores ripening and colouring in the mazaedium, outside the asci---Pyrgillus
9c Apothecia without proper margin, indistinctly delimited; ascospores
ripening and colouring inside the asci---Sporostigma
10a Ascospores one-septate---11
10b Ascospores two-septate---Heterocyphelium
10c Ascospores three-septate---Schistophoron
11a Ascospores 7-9 x 5-6 µm; excipulum wide, with corona-like extension---Nadvornikia
11b Ascospores 9-13 4.5-6.5 µm; excipulum without corona-like extension---Tylophoron
19a (4) Thallus gelatinous, with blue-green
algae---lichinaceae, incompletely treated
(this concerns probably a.o. Collemopsidium, Finkia, Gyrocollema, Leprocollema,
Psorotichia and Pyrenopsis)
19b Thallus not gelatinous---20
20a Hymenium I+ blue, throughout or around the asci, sometimes
I+ brownish, and blue after pretreatment with diluted KOH solution; asci I+ blue, at least
along their outside, and usually also in their tips; ascospores I-negative, often simple,
or variously septate, with rather equal cells; paraphyses usually straight and unbranched,
except near the tips, rarely branched and anastomosing (Lecanorales s.l.)---21
20b Hymenium I+ red or blue or mixed red and blue; asci I-negative, except
sometimes for a small, I+ blue ring around the ocular chamber; ascospores I-negative,
variously septate but not simple, often with a single, much larger cell terminally or
(sub)medially; paraphyses usually densely branched and anastomosing (Opegraphales,
Arthoniales, Ostropales)---120
20c Hymenium I-negative, rarely diffusely I+ (pale) blue; asci I-negative or rarely
pale blue throughout; ascospores I+ blue-violet or I-negative, variously septate but not
simple, with rather equal cells (septum formation often centrifugal, so that terminal
ascospore parts may lack septation in young ascospores); paraphyses straight and
unbranched, except sometimes near the tips, rarely branched and anastomosing (Gyalectales,
21a Ascospores grey to brown, at least when old, usually
21b Ascospores persistently hyaline, variously septate---30
22a Epiphytic or on moss or plant debris---23
22b On rock---25
23a Ascospore wall and septa thin---Buellia
23b Ascospore wall and septa thickened---24
24a Apothecia lecideine; ascospore wall thickening mainly along lateral outer
24b Apothecia lecanorine or biatorine; ascospore wall thickening usually
concentrated near apex and septa---Rinodina
25a Apothecia with thalline margin, lecanorine---26
25b Apothecia without thalline margin, lecideine---27
26a Thallus margin lobate---Dimelaena
26b Thallus margin not lobed---Rinodina
27a Spores with halo, usually muriform---Rhizocarpon
27b Spores without halo, transversely one-, rarely three-septate---28
28a Ascospore septa thin, lumina edged---Buellia
28b Ascospore septa thickened, lumina rounded or more complicated---29
29a Ascospores with thin-walled, rather pointed poles; apothecia lecideine---Hafellia
29b Ascospores with thickened polar walls, not pointed; apothecia biatorine---Rinodina
30a (21) Ascospores simple---31
30b Ascospores transversely septate only---70
30c Ascospores muriform---100
31a Apothecia lecanorine, margin of same colour as thallus,
with algal layer---32
31b Apothecia lecideine or biatorine, margin of same colour as disc, without algal
layer, or apothecia without distinct margin---45
32a Ascospores under 20 µm long---33
32b Ascospores over 30 µm long---42
33a Ascospores many in each ascus---34
33b Ascospores 8 in each ascus---37
34a Thallus coarse-areolated, yellow or brown; on rock; apothecia immersed---Acarospora
34b Thallus continuous or granular- to warty-areolated, grey or yellow, usually
epiphytic, sometimes on other substrates; apothecia sessile---35
35a Thallus yellow; epiphytic, on rock or on other substrates---Candelariella
35b Thallus greenish- or brownish grey, epiphytic---36
36a Asci of Lecanora-type, with distinct I+ pale axial mass in tholus---Maronina
36b Asci of Fuscidea-type, with continuously I+ blue tholus---Maronea
37a Ascocarps immersed in the thallus; ascus apex I-negative---Aspicilia
37b Ascocarps sessile, rarely immersed; ascus apex I+ blue---38
38a Hypothecium pale brown to brown---39
38b Hypothecium colourless---40
39a Hymenium colourless---Vainionora
39b Hymenium pale purplish---Tephromela
40a Thallus bright yellow---Candelariella
40b Thallus white, grey or pale yellow---41
41a Conidia pleurogenous; cupular, thickwalled layer in excipulum---Protoparmelia
41b Conidia acrogenous; cupular layer in excipulum absent---Lecanora
42a (32) Ascus apex I+ pale blue; spores (4-)8/ascus---43
42b Ascus apex I+ strongly blue; spores 1-8/ascus; ascocarps immersed in thallus
warts or lecanorine---43
43a Ascocarps immersed in thallus warts; ascospores 4/ascus; epiphytic or on moss;
cephalodia absent---Megaspora
43b Ascocarps lecanorine; ascospores 8/ascus; on humid rock or road banks; flat, rounded cephalodia present---Placopsis
44a Ascocarps immersed in thallus warts; ascospores thick-walled (c. 5 µm
thick), usually over 60 µm long---Pertusaria
44b Ascocarps lecanorine; ascospores thin-walled (to c. 2 mm thick),
under 50 µm long---Ochrolechia
44a Normally epiphytic; cephalodia absent---
45a (31) Apothecial disc orange to bright
red, K+ purplish to dark violet---46
45b Apothecial disc not orange to bright red, usually brown or black, K----47
46a Apothecial disc bright red, K+ purplish; margin concolorous---Pyrrhospora
46b Apothecial disc orange, K+ dark violet; margin black---Bahianora
47a Ascospores more than 16 per ascus, small and globose---Piccolia
47b Ascospores less than 16 per ascus, not globose---48
48a Paraphyses anastomosing; exciple absent or indistinct; apothecia soon convex
and globular---49
48b Paraphyses not anastomosing; exciple present, usually obvious in young
apothecia at least; apothecia often flat---51
49a Hymenial gelatine absent---Vezdaea
49b Hymenial gelatine present---50
50a Thallus yellow-green, completely sorediate; apothecia concolorous---Psilolechia
50b Thallus grey to brown, not completely sorediate; apothecia variously coloured---Micarea
51a Asci without tholus, I-negative; on rock at high elevations---Schaereria
51b Asci with distinct, more or less I+ blue tholus---52
52a Asci with weakly I+ blue tholus, in which an I+ blue central tube or small
apical I+ blue zone may be present---53
52b Asci with strongly I+ blue tholus, in which a paler axial mass may be present---58
53a Epiphytic or on soil or organic detritus---54
53b Saxicolous; ascus apex various---57
54a Epiphytic; central amyloid tube in ascus apex sometimes present---Malcolmiella
54b On soil or organic detritus; no distinct amyloid structure in ascus apex---55
55a Thallus shades of grey; apothecia pink to dark brown---56
55b Thallus dark brown, in shade more greenish; apothecia black---Placynthiella
58a Apothecia pink to brown, usually less than 1 mm wide, with thin proper margin---Trapelia
58b Apothecia dark brown, 1-3.5 mm wide, with thick, prominent proper margin---Ainoa
57a Central tube in ascus apex more or less clearly present---Porpidia
57b Small apical cap in ascus apex present---Lecidea
58a Asci with I+ pale axial mass in tholus---59
58b Asci with homogeneously I+ blue-staining tholus---60
59a Axial mass with rounded top (Lecanora-type asci); apothecia dark brown to
black; thallus whitish or greenish, often K+ yellow or C+ orange; mostly on tree bark or
rock (incl. Carbonea, separation under study)---Lecidella
59b Axial mass conical (Bacidia-type); apothecia variously coloured; thallus
reactions different; mostly on tree bark---Biatora
60a Asci with I+ weakly blue-staining tholus; apothecia pink or brownish to
blackish discoloured; thallus grey, granular, K-, C+ red; on burnt or decaying worked wood---Trapeliopsis
60b Asci with I+ strongly blue-staining inner and outer apical layer; apothecia
dark brown to black; thallus brownish grey; high altitude taxa on rock or tree bark---Fuscidea
70a (30) Apothecia with distinct margin of
same colour as thallus, with algae, or immersed in thallus---71
70b Apothecia with margin of different colour as thallus, usually of same colour as
disc, or without distinct margin---77
71a Apothecia immersed, with more or less lacerate, erect margin; disc grey to
pale brown, often white-pruinose---72
71b Apothecia sessile with constricted base, with entire or crenulate margin---73
72a Paraphyses thick and conspicuously septate and with tiny transverse
72b Paraphyses slender, simple---Phlyctella
73a Ascospores with thin septa---74
73b Ascospores with distinctly swollen septa---75
74a Spores one-septate; disc yellow to brown, K----"Lecania"
74b Spores transversely many-septate, over five times as long as wide; disc red, K+
75b Spores one-septate, usually over 15 µm wide; septa much thinner than spore
lumina; disc grey, K- ---Megaloblastenia
75a Spores variously septate; septa usually about as thick as lumina; disc yellow
to red or brownish, mostly K+ purplish---76
76a Ascospores one- to three-septate---Caloplaca
76b Ascospores more than three-septate---Letrouitia
77a Ascospores one-septate---78
77b Ascospores two- or more-septate---84
78a Ascospores 2-4(rarely to 8) per ascus, over 30 µm long; hymenium guttulate
or clear---79
78b Ascospores 8 per ascus, under 30 µm long; hymenium clear---80
79a Ascospores 2 in each ascus, over 40 µm long; hymenium clear---Lopezaria
79b Ascospores 2-8 in each ascus, over 30 µm long; hymenium inspersed with
oil-like droplets---Megalospora
80a Ascospores with thick septa (polarilocular); disc mostly K+ dark violet---Caloplaca
80b Ascospores with thin septa; disc K---81
81a Apothecia without distinct margin, very soon globose---Micarea
81b Apothecia with a distinct margin, at least when young---82
82a Asci with ocular chamber surrounded by I+ weakly staining, rounded axial
mass (Lecanora-type); ascospores not halonate; exciple with well-defined cortical and
medullary parts, but lacking algae---Megalaria
82b Asci without rounded, I+ weakly staining axial mass around ocular chamber;
ascospores halonate or not; exciple compact---83
83a Ascus tholus containing a conical, I+ weakly staining axial mass around
ocular chamber; ascospores halonate---Catinaria
83b Ascus tholus containing a tubular, I+ strongly staining structure; apothecia
yellowish; ascospores not halonate---"Catillaria"
84a (77) Ascospores extremely large, broadly
ellipsoid, 70-140 x 25-35 µm, single---Megalospora
84b Ascospores under 10 µm wide, long fusiform to filiform, usually 8 in each
85a Ascospores with thick septa, up to 3-septate; disc mostly K+ dark violet (when ascospores with more than 3 septa, see Letrouitia)---Caloplaca
85b Ascospores with thin septa, often more than 3-septate; disc K----86
86a Apothecia with weak, soon inapparent margin; apothecia soon convex to
globose; paraphyses branched---Micarea
86b Apothecia with prominent, rather persistent margin; disc more or less flat;
paraphyses unbranched for most of their length, rarely (in Fellhanera) branched---87
87a Ascus tholus containing a more or less conical, I+ weakly staining axial
mass around ocular chamber---88
87b Ascus tholus containing a tubular, I+ strongly staining structure, most distinctly stained in its basal part
(except in Mycobilimbia)---92
88a Ascospores fusiform, less than 5 times as long as wide---89
88b Ascospores acicular, generally more than 5 times as long as wide---91
89a Apothecia with brown "lid"-like appendage on the margin---Auriculora
89b Apothecia without such appendage---90
90a Ascus tholus with rounded, I+ weakly staining axial mass around ocular
90b Ascus tholus with pointed, I+ weakly staining axial mass around ocular chamber---Biatora s.l.
91a Excipulum paraplectenchymatic; asci with rounded axial mass---Bacidina
91b Excipulum prosoplectenchymatic; asci with conical axial mass---Bacidia
92a Excipulum with byssoid outer layer---Byssoloma
92b Excipulum smooth outside---93
93a Apothecia mostly under 0.5 mm side, soon convex; exciple
93b Apothecia usually over 0.5 mm wide, flat; exciple
94a Among mosses on soil; campylidia absent; tubular structure in ascus apex
distinctly stained over its whole length---Mycobilimbia
94b On bark; campylidia present or absent; tubular structure in ascus apex widened
and less distinct towards the tip---95
95a Ascospores fusiform; campylidia often present---Badimia
95b Ascospores needle-shaped to cylindrical; campylidia absent---Bapalmuia
100a (30) Apothecia yellow to red, K+ dark
100b Apothecia not yellow to red, K----102
101a Thallus white or pale grey---Brigantiaea
101b Thallus green suffused more or less with yellow---Letrouitia
102a Hymenium inspersed with oil-like droplets; spores single---Megalospora
102b Hymenium clear; spore number per ascus various---103
103a Ascus tholus containing a tubular I+ strongly staining structure; no
campylidia present; paraphyses little branched---Bapalmuia
103b Ascus tholus without tubular, I+ structure, often with wide ocular chamber;
usually campylidia present; paraphyses strongly branched---104
104a Ascomata with tomentose margin---Lasioloma
104b Ascomata with smooth margin---105
105a Campylidia absent---106
105b Campylidia present---107
106a Growing in rock; ascospores with gelatinous sheet (halo)---Rhizocarpon
106b Growing on organic substrate; ascospores without gelatinous sheet---Schadonia
107a Campylidia consisting of a thalloid tube and a short, brownish
"ear"; ocular chamber of ascus wide; excipulum paraplectenchymatic---Sporopodium
107b Campylidia consisting of a large, greyish "ear" sitting directly on
the thallus; ocular chamber of ascus wide; excipulum paraplectenchymatic---Calopadia
120a (20, 256) Ascocarps compound, with several,
often punctiform discs in usually raised areas which are concolorous with the thallus or
differently coloured; ascospores transversely septate only---121
120b Ascocarps simple, with single disc, at age sometimes deformed; ascospores
transversely septate or muriform---130
121a Thallus felt-like, greenish---Dichosporidium
121b Thallus with compact upper layer---122
122a Discs arranged in lines, often loosely accumulated---123
122b Discs not arranged in lines, densely accumulated in roundish groups---125
123a Spores dark grey-brown; saxicolous---Sclerophytonomyces
123b Spores hyaline; usually corticolous---124
124a Ascospores with enlarged terminal cells, at least when juvenile---Sclerophyton
124b Ascospores with terminal cells not significantly larger than median cells, also not in juvenile spores---Enterographa
125a Ascocarp discs wider, pruinose, in rounded groups---Syncesia
125b Ascocarp discs punctiform, blackish---126
126a Ascospores bacillar, 3-8-septate, widest above the middle and gradually
tapering towards both ends; no red pigment in medulla---Chiodecton
126b Ascospores biclavate, 4-7-septate, with a larger and a smaller swollen part;
often with spotted red pigment in medulla---Erythrodecton
130a (120) Ascocarps immersed in a slightly
raised thallus wart; hymenium separated from the margin by a split; spores bacillar---Conotrema
130b Ascocarps sessile on smooth thallus; hymenium connected with margin, if
present; spores various---131
131a Ascocarps without margin, adnate beneath their whole hymenium; asci broadly
clavate to globose, with thick apical dome with large ocular chamber (Arthonia-type);
ascospores variously septate, often with one terminal cell much larger than the others---132
131b Ascocarps with distinct, thalloid or lecideine margin, often with constricted
base; asci elongate, with thin apical dome with small ocular chamber, often surrounded by
small I+ blue ring (Opegrapha-type); ascospores transversely septate only, never with
terminal cell much larger than the others---135
132a Hymenium gelatinous, not felt-like; ascocarps clearly distinct---133
132b Hymenium not gelatinous, felt-like; ascocarps clearly distinct---Coniarthonia
132c Hymenium not gelatinous, felt-like; ascocarps scarcely distinct from
thallus or asci scattered in (unmodified) thallus---134
133a Ascospores transversely septate only (when discs punctiform and more or
less grouped, see Enterographa)---Arthonia
133b Ascospores muriform---Arthothelium
134a Ascospores transversely septate only---Stirtonia
134b Ascospores muriform---Cryptothecia
135a Apothecial margin carbonised throughout, black---136
135b Apothecial margin not carbonised externally, whitish or thalloid---137
136a Ascospores acicular, 3-45-septate; disc permanently black---Bactrospora
136b Ascospores fusiform, 3-19-septate; disc often yellow-pruinose---Cresponea
137a Apothecia with thallus-like margin usually containing
137b Apothecia biatorine to lecideine, without algae in the margin---142
138a Corticolous---139
138b Saxicolous---141
139a Apothecium margin thin, gradually raising from the thallus; apothecia not
constricted at base---Mazosia
139b Apothecium margin thick; apothecia constricted at base---140
140a Thallus P+ yellow (psoromic acid), C----Sigridea
140b Thallus P- (psoromic acid absent or as minor compound), C+ red---141
141a White medulla layer under the black hypothecium---Dirina
1341b Black hypothecium reaching to the substrate and confluent with black
hypothallus, when present---Roccellina
142a (137) Ascospores 1-septate; apothecia
with strongly constricted base, rarely over 2 mm diam., usually with yellowish colour---Dimerella
142b Ascospores 3-septate; apothecia
appressed and large, often over 2 mm diam.---Sagenidiopsis
142b Ascospores 5-7-septate; apothecia sessile with constricted base, not over 1.5
mm wide---Lecanactis
160a (20) Ascospore lumina rounded at
maturity; endospore usually I+ violet---161
160b Ascospore lumina edged, at most with lightly rounded edges, without or with
scarce endospore; ascospores I-negative---170
161a Hymenium separated from the surrounding thalline margin by a split; in dry
state seemingly with a double margin---Thelotrema
161b Hymenium not separated from the margin---162
162a Margin not carbonised; apothecia immersed in the thallus; apothecia without
162b Margin at least partly carbonised and black; apothecia more or less exerted;
apothecia often with carbonised central columella---164
163a Apothecial margin rounded to flat; discs tiny, rarely over 0.5 mm wide---Myriotrema
163b Apothecial margin lacerate, forming slips which cover the disc in part; discs
often several mm wide---Thelotrema
164a Apothecia with raised thalline margin, discs invisible, or visible through
thallus splits, pale, often white-pruinose---Ocellularia
164b Apothecia exerted above thallus, without thalline margin; discs widely
exposed, brownish---165
165a Apothecia compound, with several, often elongated discs level with the
margin; ascospores hyaline, transversely septate---Glyphis
165b Apothecia simple---166
166a Ascospores hyaline, muriform---Gyrostomum
166b Ascospores grey, bacillar---Phaeographis
170a (160) Paraphyses branched and
anastomosing throughout---171
170b Paraphyses unbranched, except sometimes near the tips, or with indistinct
transverse connections---173
171a Thallus without bristles; on various substrates ---Gyalideopsis
171b Thallus with white or black bristles or hyphophores; mostly on twigs---172
172a Apothecia with constricted base and prominent margin; bristles usually
black; hyphophores absent---Tricharia
172b Apothecia widely adnate and with indistinct margin; bristles usually white,
when present; hyphophores often present---Echinoplaca
173a Ascospores acicular, to c. 4 µm wide---174
173b Ascospores ovoid to fusiform, generally over 4 µm wide---175
174a Epiphytic; thallus grey; apothecia very elongated, tubular, forming c. 2 mm
long stalks, brown---Gomphillus
174b Terrestrial; thallus yellow; apothecia discoid, black---Arthrorhaphis
175a Terrestrial or on rock; apothecia immersed; ascospores grey, ovoid and
175b Epiphytic, rarely on rock; apothecia sessile or immersed, not immersed when on
rock; ascospores various---176
176a Apothecia persistently immersed or level with thallus, with flat disc,
often over 1 mm large, often elongate; margin lacerate or not---177
176b Apothecia initially immersed, finally sessile with constricted base, with
concave disc, mostly under 1 mm large, always rounded; margin entire or crenate---179
177a Margin inapparent, granular; paraphyses with thin transverse connections;
asci I+ pale blue, with thin apex---Phlyctidia
177b Margin lacerate or rounded to flat; paraphyses simple; asci I-negative, with
thickened apex---178
178a Margin rounded to flat; discs rounded to elongate, often several mm long---Cyclographina
178b Margin lacerate; discs rounded to slightly elongate---Chroodiscus
179a Apothecia proliferating from their margins and thus forming
coralloid-branched structures, greenish; on twigs or leaf margins; ascospores 5-7-septate;
hymenium usually absent---Polystroma
179b Apothecia not proliferating---180
180a Apothecia with carbonised excipulum more or less covered by pale pruina or
thallus; on mosses or decaying bark or wood; ascospores muriform---Ramonia
180b Apothecia not with carbonised margin---181
181a Hymenium I+ (pale) blue---182
181b Hymenium I---184
182a Photobiont a bluegreen alga---Bryophagus
182b Photobiont Trentepohlia-like---183
183a Spores 8 per ascus, transversely septate or muriform---Gyalecta
183b Spores 8-16 per ascus, transversely septate---Cryptolechia
184a Apothecia pale yellow to orange; on various substrates; ascospores
one-septate (NB: for species determination it is important to study pycnidia, which are
often found on separate individuals)---Dimerella
184b Apothecia shades of brown; ascospores bacillar-pluriseptate or muriform---Gyalidea
200a (2) Ascospores simple---201
200b Ascospores septate---203
201a Ascospores 16-20 in each ascus---Kalbiana
201b Ascospores 8 in each ascus---202
202a Ascospores thickwalled, often with spines or ridges; paraphyses persistent---Monoblastia
202b Ascospores thinwalled, smooth; paraphyses disappearing in an early stage---Verrucaria
203a Ascospores (finally) brown or grey-brown---204
203b Ascospores persistently colourless---214
204a Ascospore with thin septa and edged lumina---205
204b Ascospore with thick septa and rounded lumina---208
205a Asci ovoid with narrow ocular chamber, much narrower than half of the
205b Asci subcylindrical with wide ocular chamber, about half as wide as tholus---207
206a Ascospores with 1-3 transverse septa; ascocarps simple---Mycomicrothelia
206b Ascospores transversely septate to muriform; ascocarps mostly multi-chambered
by lateral fusion of ostioles---Mycoporum
207a Ascospores one-septate---Clypeopyrenis
207a Ascospores muriform---Anthracothecium
208a Ascospores one-septate---209
208b Ascospores transversely septate only, with 3 or more septa---210
208c Ascospores muriform---211
209a Ascospores without pigment granules in endospore---Distopyrenis
209b Ascospores with pigment granules in endospore---Granulopyrenis
210a Ascospores three- or more-septate, under 50 µm long when three-septate---Pyrenula
210b Ascospores three-septate, over 70 µm long---Architrypethelium
211b Paraphyses indistinct to absent, desintegrating at an early stage; algae in
hymenium present---Staurothele
211b Paraphyses persistent; no algae in hymenium---212
212a Spores without longitudinal grooves, usually with prominent median
transverse septum---Pyrenula
212b Spores with 2 longitudinal grooves, with prominent median longitudinal septum---Sulcopyrenula
214a (203) Ascospores with (partly)
thickened septa and rounded lumina; ascocarps often compound, in extensive pseudostromata---215
214b Ascospores with thin septa and edged lumina; ascocarps usually simple---223
215a Ascospores transversely septate only---216
215b Ascospores muriform---220
216a Thallus poorly developed, indicated by a whitish patch on bark; ascocarps
naked at maturity, never aggregated in pseudostromata; confusible with 234b
Polymeridium and differing by its scarcely branched paraphyses, which are
distorted and winding in preparations---Pseudopyrenula
216b Thallus well developed; ascocarps immersed in thallus or in pseudostromata---217
217a Ostioles free, apical---218
217b Ostioles fused to form a compound ascocarp---Astrothelium
218a Ascospores 1-septate, over 45 µm long, with needle-shaped crystals in the
218b Ascospores more than 2-septate, often under 45 µm long, without crystals---219
219a Paraphyses branched and anastomosing; ascus apex with narrow ring
surrounding a small ocular chamber; wall thickening of ascospores most pronounced at the
edges; spores more than 2-septate---Trypethelium
219b Paraphyses unbranched; ascus apex with a wide apical ring and wide ocular
chamber; wall thickening of the ascospore more equal; spores more than 2-septate---Lithothelium
220a (215) Ostiole apical---221
220b Ostiole lateral, free or fused---222
221a Ascocarps in brown, usually shiny pseudostromata containing yellow or
orange pigments, K- or K+ red; pseudostroma wall composed of brown, jigsaw puzzle-like
221b Ascocarps not in brown pseudostromata, or wall not composed of brown, jigsaw
puzzle-like hyphae---Laurera
222a Ostioles free---Campylothelium
222b Ostioles fused to other ostioles to form compound ascocarps---Cryptothelium
223a (214) Ascus tip thin, truncate
(Trichotheliaceae); paraphyses unbranched---224
223b Ascus tip more or less thickened with an ocular chamber, rounded; paraphyses
often branched---227
224a Ascocarps with a subapical whorl of stiff, usually black bristles---Trichothelium
224b Ascocarps without bristles---225
225a Ascospores transversely septate; asci with chitinoid apical ring---Porina
225b Ascospores muriform; asci without chitinoid apical ring, with slight subapical
226a Medulla white or pale yellowish---Clathroporina
226b Medulla yellow to orange or brownish---Myeloconis
227a Thallus gelatinous; spores one-septate---Pyrenocollema
227b Thallus not gelatinous; spores variously septate---228
228a Paraphyses indistinct to absent, desintegrating at an early stage; hymenial
gelatine I+ reddish---229
228b Paraphyses distinct, persistent; hymenial gelatine I----230
229a Spores transversely septate---Thelidium
229b Spores muriform (if thallus minutely sqamulose to fruticose, see Psoroglaena)---Polyblastia
230a Paraphyses mostly unbranched; macroconidia usually present, cylindrical,
230b Paraphyses branched, especially above level of asci; macroconidia more or less
globose, simple, or lacking---231
231a Ascocarps simple---232
231b Ascocarps multilocular, chambers laterally fused with separate ostioles---238
232a Ascospores transversely septate---233
232b Ascospores muriform---237
233a Ascospores ovoid-fusiform, 1-11-septate, usually over 4 µm wide---234
233b Ascospores filiform, 5->10-septate, 1.5-2 µm wide---Celothelium
234a Ascospores ovoid-fusiform, 1-septate, rarely finally 3-septate---235
234b Ascospores fusiform, 3-11-septate, over 4 µm wide; asci and paraphyses as in
Trypethelium; confusible with 216a Pseudopyrenula, and differing by
its strongly anastomosing paraphyses, which remain straight and reticulate in
235a Lower ascospore cell usually the shorter; lichenised; microconidia globose
to ellipsoid; macroconidia often present, simple, globose to ellipsoidal; ostiole often
235b Lower ascospore cell usually the longer; mostly non-lichenised; microconidia
bacillar; macroconidia lacking; ostiole always apical---236
236a Paraphyses slender, without refractive bodies near the septa; asci clavate---Arthopyrenia
236b Paraphyses short-celled, with refractive bodies near the septa; asci
237a Asci with indistinct apical thickening; ascospores usually 8 in each ascus;
algiferous thallus present (following Harris 1995 with inclusion of Aspidothelium, with an
apical disc-like expansion or subapical scales on the perithecia)---Thelenella
237b Asci with pronounced apical thickening with strong ocular chamber
(Arthopyrenia-like), ascospores 2 in each ascus in neotropical species; non-lichenized
(if lichenized, try #220)---Julella
238a (231) Paraphyses indistinct, with many
oil droplets; ascospores transversely septate to muriform; asci obpyriform to obclavate---Mycoporum
238b Paraphyses distinct, without oil droplets; ascospores transversely septate to
239a Ascospores with 1-3 transverse septa only; asci rather cylindrical;
paraphyse cell ends with refractive body---Tomasellia
239b Ascospores submuriform, 4 x 2 cells with enlarged end cells; paraphyse cells
without refractive bodies---Exiliseptum
251a (2) Paraphyses branched and
anastomosing; hymenium I+ red or blue; ascospore lumina not rounded, at most with slightly
rounded edges, septa I-negative; asci with rather thin tholus with small ocular chamber often surrounded by
a small I+ blue ring---252
251b Paraphyses unbranched except sometimes at the tips or around the
asci; hymenium I-negative,
rarely I+ pale blue; ascospore lumina often rounded, more or less lentiform,
septa often I+ blue or violet; asci usually
with thick tholus, completely I-negative---258
252a Ascocarp walls (labiae) conspicuous and carbonised, at least internally---253
252b Ascocarp walls indistinct, not carbonised---256
253a Ascocarps immersed in thallus or with thick thalline cover over
carbonized part of margin; hymenium always gelatinous---254
253b Ascocarps exerted with prominent carbonised margin; hymenium
gelatinous or occasionally not---255
254a Ascospores with transverse septa only, hyaline; ascocarps immersed in
254b Ascospores with transverse septa only, brown; ascocarps immersed in thallus, very
254c Ascospores muriform, hyaline; ascocarps short and exerted with thick thallus
254d Ascocarps variously septate, often brown at maturity; ascocarps level
with thallus, with thin thalline margin---Sclerophyton
255a Lirellae with closed or narrowly gaping labiae; asci with I+
blue cap in tip, which extends laterally; spores transversely septate---Opegrapha
255b Like a, but spores muriform---Dictyographa
255c Lirellae usually with wide open disc; asci without or with tiny I+
blue cap in tip; spores transversely septate---Lecanographa
256a Asci narrowly ovoid to subcylindrical, with hardly thickened tip---120
256b Asci ovoid to globose, with strongly thickened tip---257
257a Hymenium not gelatinous; ascospores muriform or transversely
257b Hymenium gelatinous; ascospores muriform---Arthothelium
257c Hymenium gelatinous; ascospores transversely septate only---Arthonia
258a (251) Ascocarps in stellate or rounded
258b Ascocarps single---268
259a Ascospores muriform---260
259b Ascospores transversely septate only---261
260a Ascospores colourless; merocarps with rounded ends---Medusulina
260b Ascospores grey to brown; merocarps with pointed ends---Sarcographina
261a Ascospores colourless; merocarps with rounded ends---Glyphis
261b Ascospores grey to brown; merocarps with pointed ends---Sarcographa
268a Mature ascospores predominantly on top of hymenium, forming a mazaedium---Schistophoron
268b Mature ascospores in the asci, not forming a mazaedium---269
269a Ascospores simple, thinwalled; on wood---Xylographa
269b Ascospores one-septate, with edged lumina---Melaspilea
269c Ascospores many-septate, mostly with lenticular lumina (when mature)---270
270a Ascocarps without lateral exciple, immersed with thin margins level
with thallus surface---Fissurina
270b Ascocarps with more or less carbonized lateral exciple, more or less
raised with thickened, raised margins---271
271a Paraphyses with warted tips; lirellae variously coloured, C-negative---Acanthothecis
271b Paraphyses with smooth tips; lirellae white, C+ red---Dyplolabia
271b Paraphyses with smooth tips; lirellae variously coloured, C-negative---272
272a Ascospores transversely septate only, with lenticular lumina (when mature)---273
272b Ascospores muriform---274
273a Ascospores colourless---Graphis
273b Ascospores grey to brown---Phaeographis
274a Ascospores colourless, with or without lenticular lumina (when mature)---275
274b Ascospores grey to brown, with lenticular lumina (when mature)---Phaeographina
275a Paraphyses unbranched, also at the tips; ascospore lumina lenticular when
275b Paraphyses somewhat branched and anastomosing in the epithecium, parallel
below; ascospore lumina persistently edged---Cyclographina
330a (3, with conidangia) Conidangia
campylidia, with "ear"-shaped, grey or brownish, geotropically directed
extension (see also key to foliicolous species, couplet 85 f.f.)---"Pyrenotrichum",
330b Conidangia hyphophores, brush-like with widened tip carrying a gelatinous
"drop"; usually immixed with longer, sterile hairs---Echinoplaca
330c Conidangia superficial black spots---334
330d Conidangia immersed---not treated
331a Campylidia producing simple, pyriform or short-bacillar conidia---332
331b Campylidia producing septate, filiform conidia---333
332a "Ear"-shaped part short, on top of a short, thalloid cylinder---Sporopodium
332b "Ear"-shaped part large, directly on thallus---Musaespora
333a Campylidia grey, producing conidia without appendages---Calopadia
333b Campylidia brown, producing conidia with appendages (small lateral branchlets)---Badimia
334a Conidia darkbrown, composed of irregularly delimited glomerules of hyphae,
c. 10-15 mu diam. Thallus thin, pale grey---Milospium
334b Conidia brown, simple or 2(-4)-celled---Tylophoron
334c "Conidia" brown, obovate and 4-6-celled, being ascospores and originating from asci in indistinctly delimited ascomata---Sporostigma
351a (3, sterile) Thallus leprose, surface
entirely sorediate---352
351b Thallus felt-like, of woolly appearance while without cortex and entirely
composed of very loose hyphae---354
351c Thallus not leprose or felt-like. Here many usually sorediate or isidiate
species would key out, belonging to various groups like Pertusaria, Thelotremataceae,
Porina. Only a few selected lowland species are treated here.---357
352a Thallus bright yellow; with diffuse margin---Chrysothrix
352b Thallus shades of pale grey; with diffuse or vaguely lobate margin---353
353a Thallus shades of grey; with diffuse margin---Lepraria
353b Thallus shades of grey; with vaguely lobate margin---Leproloma
354a Thallus not zoned, usually with an abrupt border, often lobed---Crocynia
354b Thallus zoned, i.e. with a differentiated marginal zone, of a paler colour and
gradually thinning out---355
355a Thallus bluegreen, without isidia, with filamentose cyanobacteria---Dictyonema
355b Thallus pinkish to greenish, with or without isidia, with green algae---356
356a Thallus margin whitish; thallus greenish, with felty isidia---Dichosporidium
356b Thallus margin blackish; thallus pinkish to greenish, without isidia---Sagenidiopsis
357a (351) Medulla conspicuously coloured,
yellow, orange or reddish---358
357b Medulla white---361
358a Medulla completely or partly red or pink; sorediate or isidiate---359
358b Medulla orange or yellow; sorediate---360
359a Medulla with scattered red spots; thallus surrounded by black prothallus
and with soralia---Erythrodecton
359b Medulla pink throughout; with glossy, short, clavate isidia; with
hypoprotocetraric acid---Ocellularia
359c Medulla red throughout, exposed along the margins---Cryptothecia rubrocincta
360a Thallus greenish, glossy, with scattered soralia-like, yellow spots---Myeloconis
360b Thallus grey, dull, with raised, often dense, yellow soralia---Megalospora "chlorites"
361a With soralia---362
361b With schizidia; forest undergrowth species---364
361c With isidia; only two forest undergrowth species treated---367
362a Thallus C+ red; on well-lit sites---Pertusaria velata
362b Thallus C-negative; on tree trunks in forest---363
363a Soredia fine; with stictic acid (P+ orange, K+ orange)---"Thallotrema"
363b Soredia coarse, in part corticate; with hypoprotocetraric acid (P-, K-)---Myriotrema neofrondosum
364a Schizidia accumulated in groups, which may look soralium-like and may be
raised or shortly stalked; with hypoprotocetraric acid (P-, K-)---Myriotrema neofrondosum
364b Schizidia arising single, leaving scattered, round scars on the thallus---365
365a Thallus bluegrey-pruinose; with unknown substance---Myriotrema sp.?
365b Thallus greenish, not pruinose; with various substances---366
366a Schizidia small, less than 0.2 mm wide; with protocetraric acid (P+ red)---Myriotrema parvidiscum
366b Schizidia 0.5-0.6 mm wide; with psoromic acid (P+ yellow, K-)---Ocellularia berkeleyana
367a (361) Isidia cylindrical; with
psoromic acid (P+ yellow)---Myriotrema hartii
367b Isidia gradually tapering from the base to the tip, with basal constriction
and easily falling off; no lichen substances (P-)---Thelotrema brasiliensis
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© Botanischer Garten und
Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin
page editor: Harrie Sipman, this page last
updated 9 January 2006, imprint