Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum, Frankfurt |
Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem |
Stan Blum & Anton Güntsch:
The biological collection profile: a basis for integrating collection
information systems. Keynote address. [Abstract]
Charles Copp:
The UK Biodiversity Network Data Model and its implementation in Recorder 2000.
Keynote address. [Abstract]
Claude De Broyer, Paul-André Duchesne, Charles Vander Linden, F. Van
Roozendael, K. Jazdzewski, G.Chapelle, R. Munn & Y. Scailteur:
An "Antarctic Marine Biodiversity Reference Centre" devoted to
amphipod crustaceans. Poster. [Abstract]
Steven Dessein, Peter Schols & Erik Smets:
MacTaxon: towards a new system for managing plant taxonomic data. Poster.
Gerald Guala:
Lessons from the virtual herbarium. Presentation. [Abstract]
Jörg Habersetzer:
Digital imaging at the Senckenberg Museum. Presentation.
Gregor Hagedorn, Dagmar Triebel & Markus Weiss:
LabelScan: a tool to optimize the establishment of big collection information
systems using selective label data transcription. Presentation and computer demonstration. [Abstract]
Andrea Hahn, Jasmin Jakupovic, Fotini Tsichrintzis, Christa Zdero &
Walter G.
The Bohlmann Files - A database of natural substances in the Compositae. Poster.
Linda L. Hill:
Biological collections to digital gazetteers: placenames and site referencing.
Keynote address. [Abstract]
Hong Song:
'Flora On-line' and the Flora of China databases. Presentation. [Abstract]
Robert Huxley:
Planning and resourcing a digital imaging project at The Natural History Museum,
London. Presentation.
Robert Huxley, Steve Cafferty & Anne Hume:
Digitised access to NHM (The Natural History Museum) historical collections.
Oleksiy V. Knyazhnitskiy, R. Richard Monk, Nick C. Parker &
Robert J. Baker:
Assignment of global information system coordinates to classical museum
localities for relational database analyses. Poster. [Abstract]
Karl-Heinz Lampe & K. Riede:
Digitizing entomological collections: a practical guide and experiences. Poster.
Liliana Lara:
Informatic tools for the management of biodiversity information. Poster and
presentation. [Abstract]
Jacques Le Renard:
TAXIS, a taxonomic information system for managing large biological collections.
Presentation and computer demonstration. [Abstract]
Stefano Martellos:
ITALIC - The information system on Italian lichens. Online demonstration. [Abstract]
Rudolf May:
Floristic mapping data in German plant information systems. Poster and
Lothar Menner & Michael Türkay:
SeSam - a web-based collection management system. Presentation. [Abstract]
Mingguang Li & Suhua Shi:
Practical standardisation method of herbarium databases. Presentation.
Wouter Los, Yde de Jong, Verner Michelsen, Per de Place Bjørn
& Nicolas Bailly:
The Fauna Europaea Project. Poster. [Abstract]
R. Richard Monk & Robert J. Baker:
e-Vouchers and some applications of digital imagery in natural history
collections. Poster. [Abstract]
Robert A. Morris & Jun Wan:
XML-schemas for descriptive taxon treatments. Computer presentation.
Jörg Ochsmann:
TaxCat 2: Database of botanical taxonomic categories. Poster and online
demonstration. [Abstract]
Jörg Ochsmann, Norbert Biermann, Helmut Knüpffer & K. Bachmann:
Mansfeld's World database of agricultural and horticultural crops. Poster and
online demonstration.
Simon J. Owens & Alyson Prior:
Beset with pitfalls-specimens and databases, intellectual property and
copyright. Keynote address. [Abstract]
Francisco Pando de la Hoz:
Bibmaster - a database application for nomenclature, literature and specimen
management. Presentation and computer demonstration. [Abstract]
Klaus Riede & Karl-Heinz Lampe:
Integration of GIS- and multimedia data into
collection databases. Poster and computer demonstration. [Abstract]
Dominik Röpert, Heidemarie Nowak-Krawietz & Walter G. Berendsohn:
Digital imaging of specimens at the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. Presentation
and on-line demonstration. [Abstract]
Roemantyo, Bambang Hartoko, Suhardjono, Ibnu Maryanto, Basuki B.
Mulyono & S. E. Pratignjo:
Indonesia Biodiversity Information System (IBIS): an application system for
biological collection management in Indonesia. Poster. [Abstract]
Sabine Roscher:
The use of geographic information systems in a multi-database retrieval system
for plant genetic resources. Poster. [Abstract]
Sabine Roscher:
Federal Information System on Genetic Resources (BIG). Presentation. [Abstract]
Guillaume Rousse & Régine Vignes:
Hypertext exploration of systematic collections databases - From DB2Web to OSIS
browser. Computer demonstration. [Abstract]
Suhua Shi & Mingguang Li:
Recent development of biological data bases in
China. Poster and presentation. [Abstract]
M. Tulig, A. P. Kirchgessner & K. E. Indoe:
Botanical information management at The New York Garden: herbarium specimen
imaging project. Poster. [Abstract]
Alain Vander Velde:
Biodiversity resources in Belgium, a database on internet. Computer
demonstration. [Abstract]
Jens Vaske & Focke Albers:
karIS (karyological information system). Poster. [Abstract]
Luc P. M. Willemse:
Digitising the collection of National Herbarium Netherlands: 4 years and 250.000 collections later.
Mary McGee Wood, Susannah Lydon, Robert Huxley & David
MultiFlora: Automatic compilation of accurate taxonomic databases from multiple
non-computerised sources. Poster. [Abstract]
TDWG | Participants | Presentations | Senckenberg Museum | BGBM Biodiversity Informatics
This meeting was co-sponsored by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) |
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Page editor: W. Berendsohn, © BGBM 2000.
This page last edited: 31.08.04